Posted by: Kiddo July 25, 2014
Is anyone even interested in getting a new constitution in Nepal?
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Funny, I was just thinking about it today. Pretty sure this is not going to happen within the time frame allocated.

But more than the deadline, I am concerned about the content, primarily the provision on the structure of the states and the head-of-state.

Let's talk about head-of-state. I find it imperative that we should have a presidential system like US, not just for a figure-head. Here's my reasoning:

विवेकशील नेपाली त सम्झिनु भाकै होला. केहि फरक संरचना र उदेश्य लिएर आएको थ्यो यो समूह. Few of its candidates were marred in controversy but overall it was a great concept and a great endeavor. तर भयो के? अरु बलियो पार्टीहरुले सजिलै पछार्यो. हाम्रो देशमा यी अविवेक्शील पार्टीहरु भए सम्म एउटा लायक leadership आउन असम्भवनै छ. बाबुराम भट्टराई र सुशील कोइराला जस्ता असल नेताहरु power मा भएर पनि पार्टी pressure ले केहि गर्न पाउन्नन.

विकल्प के हो? फरक संरचना, जसले पार्टीको कुण्ठित शक्तिबाट उम्केर देश हाँक्न सक्ने leadership निकाल्न सकोस. Yes, US presidential system is heavily influenced by two parties, there has never been a third party candidate who came close to dethroning the candidates of the top two parties. But, that's our only hope and maybe in Nepal's situation it would be different. We do not have two polar parties but a lot more; also, we can institute some provision where we can encourage independent leadership to arise and get the position of an elected President. Parties will play their role in legislative wing by keeping the executive wing in check, but exec wing will have certain power to lead the country without too much politics from the legislative wing. Both Exec and Legislative wing should have power to elect judges for Judiciary influence (to keep the checks and balance loop intact).

What is your opinion Sajha?
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