Posted by: wonton July 8, 2014
Learn how to not give a fuck in 10 easy steps
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You must remind yourself that:

  1. Do these people pay your bills? No? Ok then they can shut the fuck up and suck it!
  2. Do these people have better lives than you?  Most likely they do not if they are hating on you.
  3. Would it make any difference whatsoever in your life if any of these morons died tomorrow? No? ok then they can fuck off too!
  4. Do these people have some really dark and shameful secrets that they hide about themselves? Most likely they do so that’s the only reason why they try so hard to make it seem like they have perfect lives while picking on yours.  Remember, truly happy people just do not do these things. We’re too busy being happy and in love with life to bother.
  5. Do they have anything else better to do? Apparently they do not.  You give them life.  You give them some drama to thrive off of and something to do in their mundane and boring lives.  You give them some sort of a daily dose of attention and drama and without you, they would cease to exist. Making them want to further commit suicide of their intense loneliness.  So with that? Yeah they can fuck off anytime.
  6. Why would you let these morons words hurt your feelings?  Have you seen what the fuck they look like for them to talk?  Real confident, kind, and sweet people don’t need to push others down to feel better about themselves so the ones that do are most likely jealous of you one way or another.  I guarantee it.
  7. So what if you like to fuck? Who is anyone to talk shit about you? They are most likely angry because while you’re out there getting laid and getting paid they’re at home all alone online jerking it in their mama’s basement.  Why in the hell would you let those types of vermin hurt your feelings?
  8. Next time anyone says anything bad about you there is always one answer to solve this issue: Tell them to FUCK OFF!
  9. If they do not fuck off then you can  bet your ass that they are envious of you!
  10. Love yourself and know that you are the bomb dot com!  If you have people talking shit about you or hating on you then you KNOW you are doing something right!  Now fuck off and have a great life!
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