Posted by: Kiddo May 15, 2014
बुद्धम शरणं गच्छामी _"तथागत बुद्ध घर फर्किंदा"
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"बास्तबमा हिन्दु धर्म र बुद्ध मार्गमा धेरै नै समानता छन| बुद्ध मार्ग दर्शन हो, धर्म होइन| यो त अलिक सामान्य अध्ययन गरेको व्यक्तिलाई थाहा हुने कुरा हो| कुनै बिशेसज्ञ हुनु पर्ने जरुरि छैन| "

So are you suggesting all the Buddhists who celebrate Buddha as their God and who follow Buddhism as religion, don't have the basic general knowledge? Aren't you over simplifying things here? Yo ta hudai bhayena ni som.
Buddhism is a religion in every sense as it is practiced. Those, like us, who don't practice it might consider it a philosophy; but to many Buddhists it is a religion- much like hinduism and Christianism. I wouldn't challenge their intellect in taking it as a religion-heck I'd prefer a religion that preaches peace over Jihad/sect-violence/crusade any day.I just want to know why they chose to make him a God despite his insistence on not preferring to be called one.
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