Posted by: Ambrosia April 2, 2014
I live with Gucci, Coco, Precious,Che and Bhuntu
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Unlike other girls, I have a pretty messy room. If I want something I can find it with a blind eye, because it has not been removed from there for months now. I am so used to living like this. It is not exactly unclean, but it is still unclean in a certain way. Only peeps who have such room conditions can actually understand it and can PRECISELY imagine it.

I have Gucci and Coco on the couch; Precious and Che (Guevera) on the floor and Bhuntu on the bed.Let me take the privilege to introduce all of them in a very dramatic way.

Gucci is a Japanese Spitz. I got her on my birthday from my aunts. They thought I should start taking some responsibility so instead of getting me something fancy, they got me this canine. She has an annoying voice and is I think a bully amongst all. But the best part about her is like her name she is fashionable and she does the tricks properly.

Coco, named after the brand Coco Chanel Mademoiselle ( I am sure by now you must have thought that I am either a chocolate freak or I am crazy about Chanel) is a cocker spaniel. She is brown and she is heights of adore. The Chulbuli in the family, she is so pose that she doesn’t eat without milk added to anything else. Milk is a must!!!!

Precious is the oldest of all. She is a rescued street mongrel. Very sharp with things happening in and around the house, she is mother of all others including me. She has become a little slow with age but still haven’t lost her grip.

Che and Bhuntu are the male of the pack. Che is brown and Bhuntu is black Labrador. You can call them my bodyguards. No one can even dare to raise their eyes at me if I am out with these boys. The worse part of the boys is that they are always hungry and droll over anything.

When I sleep, I take the extreme corner of the bed and rest 90 percent is occupied by these lovely people. Coco, loves to lick my face. It’s her way of showing her love to me. Do you know, each time you get home from work, the feeling the dog gets is just like you have fallen in love for the first time. That is why they wag , jump and runs around in happiness.

So this time again, Coco was licking my face when TOOT TOOT TOOT TING TING TING, my alarm went off, I opened my eyes and reality bit me. Yes I was in my own messed up room, yes I was sleeping in the extreme corner of my bed, it was just that the 90 percent of the space was taken by Bhuntey Bahadur aka Bhunte ( the Labrador)  and he was snoring hard. Rest were gone. They are the fragment of my beautiful imagination. I dream of them often maybe because I feel its better I live with five dogs than to live with humans.

 Someday I will open my eyes and I will see all of these beauties in my bed snoring and throwing their tails and legs everywhere. Yes, I WILL live with these five dogs someday.

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