Posted by: कुश January 21, 2014
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You can check your wait time under option 2 here
F2A category.
Basically that table says if your I-130 was applied on or before 08SEP13, you would have been able to file I-485 (green card) now. So currently your wait time would have been about 5 months. But as no1pakhe has explained above in detail, it really depends upon your luck coz no body knows what would the visa wait times look like at the time you are applying for I-485.
F2A category.
Basically that table says if your I-130 was applied on or before 08SEP13, you would have been able to file I-485 (green card) now. So currently your wait time would have been about 5 months. But as no1pakhe has explained above in detail, it really depends upon your luck coz no body knows what would the visa wait times look like at the time you are applying for I-485.