Posted by: nepaliguy1982 November 22, 2013
Something to ponder upon
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Shiva brother: May peace be with you!

Thank you for taking time to raise questions. Appreciate your time. Sorry for the delay in answering it.

1)what do u say about the way that mohamad dude handled a 6 yrs old aiesha after marrying her?

My grand-mother married my grand father when she was 9 and it was not 1400 hundred years ago :). Back in those days, that was the culture. That was the culture of the Arabs. Muhammad did not even went ahead and make the purposal although Aiesha (May God be pleased with her) was his best friend's daughter. Abu Bakr (May God be pleased with him) brought that purposal. It was God's way of protecting prophet Muhammad's sayings. She became the second highest number of hadiths (prophet's sayings) after Abu Hurairah (May God be pleased with him).

It was God's plan i would say. She also was one of the biggest scholars of Islam.

2)what do u say abt the way mohamad raped the wife of his adopted son?

Well he did not rape her. He married his adopted son's wife  after his adopted son divorced here to teach his followers that adopted son and real son are not the same. 

The reason prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace) did what he did is to teach his followers what to do when his followers needs guidance. He is our role model. He married a divorced woman, so we can marry a divorced woman too . He married a widow to show us that we can marry a widow too. So on and so forth....

39how were the 3 tribes of medina decieved to truce and then killed one by one after entering the city?explain?

Well that was war. Actually Jews of the Medina entered in a treaty and betrayed prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace).
Later they helped Meccan pagans to fight against prophet Muhammad.
A guy from one of the tribes converted to Islam and he wanted to join Army of prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace). Although Muslims were losing that time, he did not care. He was soldier of God. He was a kind of person who was trusted by the Jews, Pagans and also his tribe.

Prophet told him, if he wants he may break their coalition and he did.

Banu Qurayza, a Jewish tribe in Medina was involved in the treason and they surrendered to prophet Muhammad's army. Banu Qurayza requested Saad bin Muaad (May God be pleased with him) to be their judge to rule their case and as he was their friend before he accepted Islam. 

Saad bin Muaad (May God be pleased with him) ruled their case. It was Saad bin Muaad's decision as he was leader of one of the tribes and he was hurt on that war.

4)if all religions are the same and worship the same god ,why du u stone peoples to death (even today) for changing the faith?

I would say revive the religion of your ancestors (Santana Dharma) by stopping the idol worship and accepting the teachings of the final messenger (upon whom be peace).

5)why do u always insist on telling koran the final word of god though it was written at the time of uthman ,one of the khalifs after muhamads death??

Uthman (May God be pleased with him) compiled the Qur'an. He was friend of prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace). He and other friends of Muhammad sat together after prophet's death and compiled the book. The Qur'an literally means the recitation and the book is called Musab.

6)why did muhamad put the phrase 'and muhamad is his last messenger' in the kalmaah? dont you smell the thirst for authority and some foul game?if there could be many before him ,why not after him?

He did not put that himself. God put that for him. He did not even know he was a prophet till he was 40 years old.

7)what was the status of dhimmis(christians and jews ) in muslim lands till now if they wordhip the same god?u guys stole the whole philosophy and story from the and they are forbidden to build new churches, ride on horses,bear arms and lots more rules.

Actually no country on earth practices Islam fully. Not even Saudi Arabia. Muslims should let people of other faith practice thier religion. There is no force in the religion of Islam.  

8)why is it so that a religion which u say preaches peace always talks of kiling the others?ß what is the option for a non.muslim according to your pliagiarism book of yours?death or coversion right??

No brother. Actually Islam did not spread because of sword as potrayed by Crusades. It spread by invitation. The friends of prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace) left after his death as they knew the value of this religion. Most of them were idol worshippers and they wanted to share their experience with other human beings and spread the message of Islam to humanity. For an example, in China they went as merchants. The people were impressed by the scaling system they had, contrary to other Chinese business man. The Chinese business man went to king and complained that the foreigners were taking their business.
The king called the Muslims and asked them to leave. But public stood up and said "these Muslims do not cheat us with scales and give us the right weight whereas our fellow Chinese business man cheat us."
So the king had no option but to let them stay.
By good actions of Muslims actually Islam spread on all the corners of the globe. During the time of Saladin, many people in Jerusalem accepted Islam was Saladin ordered not to kill them and let them practice their religion. On the other hand, Crusades killed all the Muslim when they first captured Jerusalem.

9)why do you worship the kaaba, the prophet, the book ali,husein(the shias)?well u dont use abeer and tika but adoring and respecting someone to insanity and total devotion is actually worshipping ,right? so you are polythiests too!!!

We do not worship Kaaba. People who perform Hajj or Umrah circumbent Kaaba. The reason why the pilgrims do that is because prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace) did that. It's just revival of his sunnah (actions).

10)i am a hindu, i eat bef, dont wear my janai,give a sht abt jaat bhat, have slept with various women(including a turkish muslim girl;yupp she is unmarried ;u would love to stone her to death right?? ),i ve been to mandirs and worshipped stone figures only as a continuation of the tradition and i still feel i am a hindu , becoz its the law of karma and 'basudaiva kutumbakam' that makes me a hindu.can you choose stuffs that are rational and throw stuffs that are crazy from you gods own words as i do??

I was born in a Hindu family too and i used to eat beef too as i never thought cow was divine to begin with :).
Well i am not a big fan of stoning woman to death. As i believe God forgives all the sin except shirk (associating others in His worship).

I understand you do not want to leave Hinduism because you were born in Hindu family. Well i understand that as we have the same background. It's very hard for us to convert as our family thinks we betrayed them if we convert to Islam while they are happy if we convert to Christianity. The reason is on the back of our mind we think whatever a White man does is wonderful but we think Arabs or Muslims are bad. It's not your fault or mine. We have been raised like that.
This is what Hollywood and Bollywood or the consumer society has manipulated us. Anti-Muslim begots are everywhere. Noone mentions Hindu extremists, or Christian extremists but everyone brings extremism with Islam. There are good Muslims and bad Muslims. I condemn terrorism of any act too. It's very sad to see my faith being highjacked by few wolves. I do not know if those wolves exist for real or they are just mere characters created by certain department to control people.  
Back in Nepal, we used to be proud that we were never ruled by British or any super power on earth but now our youth are very happy to server British Military, Singapore Police or Indian Army or where ever UN deploys them.

May God guide all of us. Ameen !!!

Thank you!

your brother in humanity

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!" [Bob Marley] 

Last edited: 22-Nov-13 03:55 AM
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