Posted by: bittertruth October 9, 2013
Does anyone who you know is diagnosed with terminal cancer??
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Your last comment was what I meant on my first post, here is the excerpt,‘
Many researches have found that deadly diseases grow in acidic environment. Almost all medical students swear by their knowledge that body maintains pH level on it's own and there is no other cure than theirs to treat deadly cancers and tumors. It's their predisposed mindset of what they learned(to some extent brainwashed) in their medical school. I'm not here to devalue what they've contributed to the wellness of society but sometimes they are adamant and in total denial, discrediting other proven and working natural treatment protocols, it makes me to doubt their own credentials at times.

His tumor was diagnosed in 2004, was benign and became malignant just few years later. Whoevers’ statement you've sourced in your last comment is a blatant lie and personal attack against the natural therapies through which millions are benefiting each year which moreover sounds like more of profiteering out of someone’s death in grand perspective. Obviously, it takes decades and decades long of hectic life style and bad food choices(or genes) for someone to incur with such a sad incident, I’ve much respect for him for his decision which is the inclination towards the natural therapies at the end but he had reached the acute state of disease where he should've waited no longer for immediate medical option. When you break/fracture your leg out of accident, you don't treat it with home remedies, you go to the surgeon and fix it. For these acute nature of woes, we definitely need some immediate medical attention. As you can read it in my above attributed paragraph from my first post, I'm not here to discredit medical treatment. He should have tried surgery but again, those with pancreas cancer, success rate is very minimal. That statement by some doctors you posted is just day dreaming and purposefully intent to discredit natural therapies. My boss felt victim to this very disease. He didn't wait for the surgery, after surgery many complication arose and he died of lung complication. After his diagnose, he died in less than two months after the surgery. My boss's in-law was a very reputed internist in bay area upon whose advice he went through the best surgeon in the United States.

Even if Steve Jobs would have gone through that surgery, I bet his success rate would have been very minimal only to be faced with complication and shortest life than that 9 borrowed months he had through natural treatment. Once again, am not trying to discredit anything that medical field has to offer us, but behind the scenes their great workout for commission between them and big fat pharma goes unnoticed , and yes very often.

Somehow consulting psychic is beyond me, why would he do that if that's a true statement.
Some folks are born to guide us—we flocks of sheeps— to give us something wonderful. He was one of 'em. He gave us all something, revolutionized the way we handle information and communicate, and in the course of chain reaction something fantabulous came along, of which I'm a big fan. After all, I wholeheartedly thank him even if I spill my comments against Apple products, despite my dislike towards apple products,  deep within my heart I've a deep respect for him. He was a great tech pioneer, a great promoter, as a person, my utmost respect and homage will be always there for him. May he always be in good place.

PS: Not trying to deviate from the main point of the post, if anyone reading, please have someone you know who has a terminal cancer to go through the protocol mentioned above. It's far better to die trying than remain hopelessly rotten to death.
Please share it, it's not pseudo-science or claims, we've survivors and they are the living testimonial of what I'm trying to spread some information here.  

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