Posted by: kichkanni November 6, 2012
Paper Marriage??
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If you have somebody, who you think is worth trusting, go for it. do your research. Try to Find, answers to your questions, find people who are in your kind of situation. or Who are already  in a situation you think you are going to be in. research what strategies they are using. all these information are readily availabe in the internet.  

Instead of visitig forums like these, which is full of downers with no experience of what you are seekin advice on. visit the forums that could help you gain knowledge on this issue, that is full of people who married for paper. 
This is  one google search i did on this issue:

click it  and see for yourself how much information is availabe on  this topic . there are so many forums and discussions from people who are doing it.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=6a38ef0bf93bd08e&bpcl=37189454&biw=1280&bih=709

Now, RIsk and Reward are two side of a coin.But dont flick the coin. That's gambling. However, taking Risk and reaping reward is the strategy one should adhere to in living life. Thats how you make yourself better. Take it this way, If you had'nt taken that  jump into the swimming pool you would have never learnt how to swim. What was your risk back then?  You could have drowned and lost your life. But you were smart enough to learn it first in shallow waters, minimising your risk of drowning. Use the same principle here. 

Five simple steps:

FIrst, Analyse what is at risk, or what do you have to lose.
Second, analyse if the reward is worth taking the risk.
Third Seek geniune advice from people, who have  acheived what you are trying to achieve. load yourself  fully with information from internet or any other source.
Fourth, focus more on the positive output, you think your effort  will bring. visualise yourself being where u want to be, everytime you think about the possible output of your efforts. 
Fifth, Make your decision.

And remember, when u take  a decision to do something, half of the job is done already, you now have just the other half to work on.
Risk has to be minimised to the lowest level possible, and decison has to be taken. Reward will follow. 

This is my way of getting ahead in life. Hopefully, you will find this motivating. Id say go ahead and do it. Make that decision. Decision is very powerful. it will automatically catapult you half way towards your goal, just navigate the other half  and you will taste the sucess and can proudly own it.

Go get it , Tiger!!!!!

Last edited: 06-Nov-12 10:32 AM
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