Posted by: _____ August 14, 2012
Human Wrongs
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Continued from above

 After one month

The new city was named “Rome” which was based on the legend of two city building brothers. The city was wonderful. Its glory spread across the sea. Lots of people visited the city. Many got settled in the city.

After 10 year

The city expanded a lot in last 10 years it has became a country itself and now it was being ruled by an interplanetary immigrant.

After 100 year

Exodus from northern Libya started to arrive in Rome.  Normal population from northern Libya got settled while elites made contact with the elites of the city exchange the information. It was a happy reunion after generations. Arrival of people from northern Libya added impetus to its further advancement as a civilization as well as a nation.

After 100 year

Rome expanded as an empire. The empire now controlled 5% of the land and 40% of the population on earth.

In next few years this new empire also controlled the country established by locals in south east part of the Libya. Local population were not happy. They knew the empire from Europa could have never controlled them if they were not assisted by exodus from southern Libya.

These people staged many unsuccessful, partially successful revolts against the Europa Empire their endeavour was in vein.

After 1000 year

A new leader among locals was emerging, he was very polite honest and appealing. He enjoyed huge follower at the comparatively young stage. This new leader was fighting two battles. One was against the old religion of locals and second was against the occupiers from Europa.

This new leader was successful in amassing huge support. Empire of Rome took this as a threat, He was prosecuted and crucified.

 After 500 year

Although the leader of new religion was crucified, number of his flowers grew dramatically year after year. Rome was becoming week. Its population, instead of following their old religion started to follow the path shown by crucified leader. This conversion diluted the faith of citizens of the empire in their leadership. The Empire gradually collapsed.

After 300 year

Meeting of descendents of interplanetary immigrants. (Who had the knowledge of their ancestors being interplanetary travellers, in a secret meeting place)

Elite-A: looks like this is it. Our days are gone. Our ancestors arrived in this planet 2500 years ago, established civilization help advance locals. This place was the last bastion our ancestors built.

Elite-B: Yes it seems so, but we must not be sad, look at the positive side, Our Ancestors landed here from a dying planet, established themselves, contributed to the advancement of the earthlings. May be in due course we became lazy and less focused. Whereas, for locals, in 2500 years they developed from a primitive gatherings to a complex society. Now this guy even successfully established a school of followers which became a religion. We should appreciate all these. After all, we are same species.

Elite –C: I have bit different opinion about this. Yes for 2500 years we ruled here, that is not bad. But we ourselves are responsible for this situation.

Elite-D: We used our knowledge and technology very slowly and mostly to make less impressive weapons and for building construction. We let go the knowledge of our ancestors about universe and advance science and technology.

Elite-A: Could you elaborate on this

Elite-D: After our establishment in this planet, say after 100 years or so we should have used our science and technology to build weapons to protect it from new religion. This empire must have done that.

Elite-B: It is very easy for you to say that. Perhaps you haven’t read the history which tells us why our ancestors didn’t use science and technology for complete dominance of locals in this planet. First of all disturbing the local’s tradition by saying opposite of what they belief would create the friction between two civilizations, whatever primitive it was, they had their own belief about universe and creation. At that time we were less in number, terrain was new to us so instead of creating friction that may lead to the annihilation of one of the party we choose the right thing.

Elite-C:  And in History we know we used our powerful gadget against the group of human like species who opposed us. The result was total annihilation of that species which could have developed into a very scientific community. That was a total “Human Wrongs” our ancestors once committed in this planet.

Elite-D: All those are history. We know the locals’ beliefs are not correct. We also know that the beliefs of the religion whose followers defeated us from inside are not correct too. I have decided to pursue the road of science and technology our ancestors once pursued in our home planet. Any one has any objection.

Elite-A: How can we stop you even if we oppose it? You have to be careful though. You also should know why our ancestors had to abandon our home planet.

Elite-D: Yes, I do understand the risk. And I am aware of the reason why our ancestors had to abandon the planet. In the mean time you gentlemen and ladies also have to understand that the beliefs these religion spreading is false and it may lead to a stagnant society.  Me and my colleagues will pursue science and technology which will finally defeat the religion who defeated us. It is time to stop thinking that science and technology is evil

This time, for the benefit of the humanity, we will also float the idea of using just what is necessary and not overusing it. We will also encourage people in finding alternative ways which will stop dependence on only one type of resources.

Elite –A: We shall be very careful now onwards. Till date we have kept our secret for ourselves, revealing it won’t be that wise. Now on we will have meeting only once a year.

After 400 year

Scientist A: I have decided to produce some written materials saying that earth is not the centre of the universe. I am not going too far I will tell only half truth. I will say sun is the canter of the universe

Scientist B: Why not say our solar system is only a small part of the universe, which is a fact

Scientist A: Then you may have to face the wrath of the establishment

Scientist C: You are in final days of your life, why are you afraid of?

Scientist A: You guys should carry forward; I will just stir their belief

After few months a printed materials was circulated among intellectuals saying that earth is not at the canter of the universe. It went on saying that sun is at the centre of the universe. A lukewarm response was received by the community of intellectuals. Establishment was not that happy because its religious book believed in earth centric universe.

After 50 year

Scientist C Published a printed material saying that neither earth nor sun is in the canter of the universe. Sun is just a star moreover, that the universe contained an infinite number of inhabited worlds populated by other intelligent beings. He was burned at the stake by civil authorities.

During same era scientist B published a materials supporting scientist C he was house arrested by the establishment.

50 years later

A secret organization was founded by remaining scientists who were descendents of the interplanetary immigrants. The organization was called “ILLUMINATI”.

Members of Illuminati took a vow of secrecy and pledged obedience to their superiors. Members were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees, and many Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges.

Progressive-minded secret societies concentrated on changing the traditional order and on establishing a "rational state" by infiltrating public offices.

to be continued

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