Posted by: supernova0702 June 18, 2012
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Hi Everyone,
My Opt is about to expire and the only way I can work is if I can get a full time CPT from any institutions. Is there any suggestion as to which ones in New Jersey or New York area can do that. Some of the few that I inquired can only give part time (20 hrs/ week)CPT for the first semester which can be converted to a full time later on. But since this will create a gap, I'd like to find out if there any way I can get a full time CPT. Help much appreciated.
My Opt is about to expire and the only way I can work is if I can get a full time CPT from any institutions. Is there any suggestion as to which ones in New Jersey or New York area can do that. Some of the few that I inquired can only give part time (20 hrs/ week)CPT for the first semester which can be converted to a full time later on. But since this will create a gap, I'd like to find out if there any way I can get a full time CPT. Help much appreciated.