Posted by: Poonte October 13, 2011
As expted, flagged me! Can't even post fair view here
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San wrote:
"Makalekancha was outright disrespectful with foul language. Nagarikreport repeatedly accused everyone of being terrorists including sajha which is only providing this platform of discussion. If we are to follow their logic, then all of Nepal would be a terrorist state now that the PM is a Maoist. Any newspaper publishing article about the PM would be a terrorist newspaper. Even all the TV would be terrorist TV... "

Why is it so, so, so terribly hard for some people to understand this simple, crystal-clear fact? Those nicks were not banned for their opinions, rather for their utterly distasteful approach to debate, and their sheer, loathsome contempt for those opposing their views. In addition to what San has accused Makalekancha of, the latter also relentlessly engaged in cursing death upon others' families.

And mind you, those were not occasional outbursts -- both of them indulged in such flagrant offenses REPEATEDLY even after numerous attempts by others (including San) to reason with them, turning Sajha into a virtual पागल खाना!

यति सरल र संग्लो पानी झैं छर्लंग तथ्य पनि साँचिकै नबुझ्नु भा' हो कि बुझपचाउनु भा' हो?

paulinadidi, kantipurnagari, rahulvai (अर्को थ्रेडमा यही issue उठाउनु भएकोले), and others who feel as they do,

हामीलाई एउटा -- हजुर, सिरफ एउटा मात्र  -- उदाहरण दिनुहोस, जसमा एक कट्टर माओबादीका बिरोधी, तर आफ्नो प्रतिपक्षीहरुसंग कदरका साथ बहस गर्नु हुन्थ्यो, र वहाँलाई साझाले banned  गरिदियो. मैले जाने, बुझे अनुसार गत केहि हप्तामा makalekancha, nagarikreport र nas बाहेक अरुलाई banned गरिएको छैन पनि.

तपाइंहरु नै साक्षी हुनु हुन्छ -- माओबादीको विरुद्ध कडा बहस गर्नुहुन्छ, यद्धपी आफ्नो प्रतिपक्षीहरु प्रति श्रद्धा र कदरको भावना राख्नु हुन्छ -- banned हुनु भएको छ त?
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