Posted by: behoove_me September 28, 2011
बाबुरम आतंकवादी को प्रोग्राम ओर्गनैज गर्ने अतन्क्वादी हरु को थिए ? कृपया पत्त लगै दिनु होला ।
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Just my two pennies, reading this might make your emotions run high, but I have been objective and very honest and I am sick of looking at these political shenanigans for eons -
1.   First and foremost, I can do without politics and so could all of you. And second, living in a foreign land in the comfort of your living room, belting that bottle of Budweiser and ranting murder for all you hate certainly doesn’t help.
2.   Having said that, I love Nepal. And no, I am not from a Maithili ethnic group like few mentioned earlier in Sajha. But again, what if I was? I am as equal of a Nepali as all of you are. But if you claim your patriotism speaking vile about every ‘supposed’ villain of our nation, wouldn’t you consider retaliation in a similar fashion? What’s stopping you?
3.   We’ve hated Birendra, Aishwarya, Girija, Madhav Kumar Nepal, Paras, Prachanda and now Baburam. Our history of hatred is so long, we might as well hate ourselves moving forward. And as I badmouth ‘Paras’ Mr. Peacelover phd from Wichita will soon start cleaning is Uzi. Bring it on Mr. Kansas, I always wear a Kevlar.
4.   Maoists killed an innocent teenager several years ago in Eastern Nepal; he was an educated youth who helped us do our chores and was more like a ‘kancho chora’ of our house. My mother still cries every time we mention him and I do not need to insert citation here, believing or not believing me is solely at your discretion. I ask myself whether it is wise to forgive and forget than to seek revenge until the day I die.
5.   What Maoists did was absolutely wrong; everyone surrenders at a gun point, I see no difference between Prachanda and Paras when it comes to being a despot. If you personally ask me if I wish Baburam and his clan members should be chastised for what they did, hell yes! But I am certainly not bringing the house down for that matter. Let bygones be bygones. You could call me a coward, but if you are a hero, did you do something to prevent Baburam from becoming a prime-minister?
6.   I am not happy Maoists are in politics, I was never happy when Congress or Communists ruled us, I was also never happy when Monarchs expected subservience from us. The only difference between 30 years ago and now is – there is no rule of Law. Suck it up! Be a man; it is called democracy, the same democracy America the great nation you pay tax to is living in for years. Heard the story of Cowboys and Indians? Cowboys killed Indians, there was also a civil war, there was also something called Ku Klux clan, we call it ‘transition’ in America, yet fail to understand what’s happening in our nation.  Maoists are doing simply that, eventually a cowboy in someone like Baburam becomes a victor and we’ll soon forget what transpired ten years ago.
7.   Cadres are off limits like children, how would it feel if I suddenly go beat your uncle up just because you stole a candy from my fridge? Agreed Maoists started this and everyone is culpable, but if you claim Baburam is the only culprit, I am inclined to disagree with that. Did Birendra have control over Bharat Gurung and DB Lama, ask yourself.
8.   Finally, MAJORITY (I did not say all) of us who live in USA, believe it or faint, love this country more than our own nation. We pay taxes here and are proud of that, we only sympathize our country and chip in few dollars every year to make us feel good, or curse India to claim our patriotism, or perhaps  churn our brain neurons to speak worst possible evil about Baburam.
9.   Speaking of the previous point, I am in a position to ‘not care’ about what happens in Nepal, but I do sympathize a little, and I wish a good head of state, be it Baburam or Paras or even Makalekancha would lead Nepal to the path of prosperity.
My points are highly unresearched , I wrote this out of plain emotion. I am not a phd student who browbeats every single facts and spends his/her life analyzing them. Criticism welcome, curse words more welcome.
Makalekancha, you are a wise person, but shouldn’t you take your hatred somewhere else? Just a thought.
Last edited: 28-Sep-11 02:14 PM
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