Posted by: sidster July 20, 2011
Time Magazine: Can Nepal Sell Itself as a Gay-Wedding Destination?
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What standards are you all talking about??

Let the foeigners come to Nepal and do their business...Any form of tourism is good for our economy. If y ou do not like Gay marriage..just find an opposite sex to marry with relax.

Back in the days....the hippie influx into KTM was not about hippies wanting to see Nepal and its was about KTM being the Hashis mecca of the world hippies wanted to be there. Shahs knew well about this and banked bunch of $$$ with hashis business. Dhirendra and possibly Gyanendra were front men during the drug tade of the 70s and the 80s in Nepal. We got bunch of tourists back then....Did you all know Keith Richards used to make usual visits to KTM back in the day...If the world had any idea who Keith Richard was back then...Nepal would have made bunch of headlines???? Imagine having stars like Michael Stiepe, Elton John, George Michael..Boy George, Jodi Foster, Ian Mckennel (Gandalf) making a frequent stops to Nepal.......You would not need any PR to promote your tourism industry anymore.

And yes it will be selling our own products...the product here is our " tolerance and greetings" to people of any orientation.

If this will help eradicate the extreme poverty we have in our county....i am all for it.

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