Posted by: pire March 20, 2011
Neo-Liberalism Policy debate
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 First a comment about Hari Roka. He is not an economist. As a student of any discipline, he is a failure. He wouldn't be able to pass Lok Sewa. No bank would give him a job of teller. It is the persistent ass kissing and change of loyalty over last decade that had resulted in this dumb ass ending up in parliament. He doesn't have any research ability, nor does he have any research paper in any refereed journal. The country is in deep economic crisis and this dumbass is trying to suck us into his red experimentalism.

kasailai thulo darshanik hu bhanne bhram chha bhane pahila ramrari padhnu, phd saknu, TU ya kati professor bannu, original research garnu , aafno peer harulai impress parnu ni. you don't go to some newspaper to show your punditry. No use.


"आफ्नो वर्गीय हितका लागि पुँजीपतिवर्गले खुलेर सार्वजनिक रूपमा बहस निम्त्याएको नेपाली सन्दर्भमा सायद यो दशकमा यो पहिलो घटना हो ।"

"Shayad", "yo dashakma"? This man doesn't understand what is happening in this decade? First, who opens bank these days? mega banks has hundreds of investors. All banks have gone to stock exchange, and banks have democratized their share to the extent no other institutes have done in Nepal. Even governor Khatiwada admit that banks are run in more transparent manner than other institutes in Nepal. How big is pujipati barga now, if all bank owners are pujipati? Shalikram Jammarkattle and Krishna Bahadur Mahara has more wealth now than most of the owners of the bank.

"यो पंक्तिकार सन् १९८५ देखि हालसम्म नेपालले अंगीकार गरिरहेको अर्थराजनीतिलाई उन्नाइसौँ शताब्दीको सुरुदेखि नामकरण गरिएको उदारवादभन्दा एक तह माथि अर्थात् वासिङटन सहमति (कन्सेन्सस) पछि सुरु भएको नवउदारवाद ठान्छ ।"

This jackass has no academic qualification to categorize anything as any name.

" विश्व अर्थराजनीतिमा किन्सियानिज्मको प्रभावलाई समाप्त पार्न मिल्टन फ्यायडमेनलगायतका केही मौदि्रक अर्थशास्त्रीहरूले नवउदारवादको वकालत गरेका थिए ।... हुने, सक्ने र पहुँच भएकाहरूले खुला रूपमा जसरी पनि आफूलाई वैभवशाली बनाउने सैद्धान्तिक मान्यतामा आधारित छ । "
Look how this jackass has distorted the argument. Friedman and other economists have believed that capable (sakne) will rise, not "pahunch bhaekaaharu". That's cronyism. Cronyism distorts freemarket, and Friedman never supported that. But does this jackass know about that? Has he read Friedman?

"अरब विश्वमा आएको आँधीबेहरीका पछाडिको प्रमुख कारणमध्ये नवउदारवादी अर्थव्यवस्थाअन्तर्गत हुर्किएको नातावाद, कृपावादी पुँजीवाद (कोर्नी क्यापिटालिजम) रहेको ठहर गरिँदै छ ।"

Do you see this man again? Who did that "Thahar"? This man doesn't under ABC of economics. Who says there was a nawaudarbadi arthabyabastha in arab world? They are one of the least reluctant places to open up.

 "राज्यको नियमनकारी भूमिकालाई बलियो बनाउन र राष्ट्रिय हितको रक्षा गर्न संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकालगायतका पश्चिमा धनाढ्य मुलुकहरू स्वयं खुला बजारका मान्यताविपरीत आफ्नो बजारको रक्षार्थ मुद्रा अवमूल्यन तथा विदेशी वस्तुको आयातमा भन्सार वृद्धि गरी भुक्तानी सन्तुलन आफ्ना पक्षमा पार्ने कदम उठाइरहेका देखिन्छन् । हाम्रोजस्तो सानो र तुलनात्मक रूपमा कमजोर अर्थतन्त्र भएका मुलुकहरू जो उत्पादन वितरण र व्यवस्थापनका क्षेत्रमा भर्खरै पाइला चाल्न प्रयत्न गरिरहेका छन्, ले झन् धेरै सचेततापूर्वक अगाडि बढ्नुपर्ने चुनौती छन् । र, नयाँ राजनीतिक परिवेशमा, नयाँ चेतना वृद्धि हुँदै जाँदा त्यसअनुरूपको मागलाई व्यवस्थित गर्न र आम जनसमुदायलाई विकास र त्यसको प्रतिफल प्राप्तिमा सहभागी बनाउनैपर्ने चुनौतीहरू थपिएका छन् । यसको अर्थ, पुरानो उत्पादन पद्धति वा संरचना, उत्पादनका साधनमाथिको स्वामित्व, वितरण र पुनर्वितरणमा संरचनागत रूपमै परिवर्तन गर्नुपर्ने माग बढ्दै छ ।"

Hari Roka has by now lost all his focus. He is jumping like a frog, from one topic to another. Suddenly, after analyzing instruments of trade in a very superficial (i.e. currency devaluation, tarriff determination to optimize one's national welfare), he suddenly uses vague phrases like 'sachetatapurbak aghi badhne chunauti', 'rajanitika chetana'(oh, so, we are jumping from economics to politics without any warning), and then his favorite topic, 'punarwitaranama samrachanatmak pariwartan garnuparne maag badhdaichha' (who increased that maag?).

Dear tenthfractal, I can go on, but I can't move any further. Hari Roka is not a man worth my time. He is in a position to destroy our economy, and we probably have to tolerate this jackass anyway. People like Roka are jealous of successful persons. When a sector grows in Nepal, government always find a way to intervene it and make it useless. It happened in galaicha, garment, and now it will happen in banking sector too. arkako paisa, arkako institutionma power lagauna pae jasale pani lagauchha. Roka wouldn't have passed an exam of loksewa,  didn't even serve as a professor in TU or did any original research published in a peer reviewed journal but thanks to our screwed politics he is in a position to run our economy.
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