Posted by: sidster March 14, 2011
पारश शाहको एउटा हेर्नै पर्ने भिडियो !
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I do not know why you went data digging on how Birendra and Mahendra were much better than Girija, Makune, Prachanda, Lokendra bahadur and surya bahadur. You still do not get the point do you? Do not make irelavant arguments. I do not praise either of the political don't say "your leaders"...keep them for yourselves...for free.

Again, I agree with you that we had bunch of losers who led our country duriing democracy. My point is, regardless of how good Prithivi Narayan, Mahendra and Birendra were....people of Nepal will not accept Paras as a prince, King or the father of the King....get it??? Paras will not be able to bank on his uncle's and grandfather's well deeds. He is a " Thug" and will remain as a thug. He has a reputation of  " Uday and Kushay Hussain".

And people will not accept him becasue of his character regardless of what his uncle and grandfather contributed to Nepal. Because of Paras Gyanendra Could not keep his post. I was only answering you why Nepal will not have Monarchy ever again as long as Paras is around.

Personally, I do not give a FK if Paras becomes a king or not. I do not think any politicians these days are better or worse than Paras. They all are best at doing one thing, which is NOTHING !!

So what was your overall point....Since Birendra and Mahendra were so good...we should Make Paras a King????

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