Posted by: BABAL Khate January 27, 2011
Is 'development' itself the cause of Nepal's problems?
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There is room in Nepal for stupids, smarts, uglies, beautiful, white collar worker, blue collar worker etc, etc. We may be a small nation, but our hearts are big.

I'm not sure why everyone is ganging up on Pire. I don't think he said anything negative. I don't feel his intention was to put anyone down.

Pire answered the question of whether Nepalese who are in the States should go back to Nepal from an economic perspective. There is nothing wrong with what he said. 

I feel that he is saying: Nepal needs more people who are job makers. Nepal needs less job takers and more job makers.

I agree with him.  "If you cannot be a part of the economic solution , then you are probably part of the economic problem." It doesn't mean that we don't love all Nepalese. But the harsh realities of living in Nepal are such that if you are not contributing towards the solution of an economically viable Nepal then you are going to be part of the problem in Nepal. There is no point in a Nepali leaving his comfortable and happy life in America to go back to Nepal and be another voice complaining that there is not enough opportunity in Nepal. 
I think Pire is telling those people who have comfortable lifestyle in America to stay in America...if you don't feel that you have anything positive to contribute to Nepal by going there. It's true. 

Like I said above:
Nepal doesn't need another negative complainer simply there in the country whining that 'oh my life could have been better if it wasn't for these politicians.' Nepal needs professionals who can be a part of the solution. Nepal needs people who can think, lead, and actively participate and motivate.
So if someone can't do that, it is better they stay in America and take care of their life and not contribute to Nepal's burden of problems. But, on the other hand, if you have your act togethor, then the nation could use one more capable professional who can work towards the solution without being himself/herself a problem.

I feel that most of the people taking offence at his words are reading his words from a 'human factor' perspective. They feel that Pire is judging their intelligence, education or capability. I don't think he is. 

Most of us in this thread are trying to decide whether or not we should go to Nepal by the question: "How much do we need Nepal?"
Pire is saying: "Ask not how much you need Nepal....ask instead how much Nepal needs you."

Or, as John F Kennedy famously said: "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country"

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