Posted by: dckoramroketo December 13, 2010
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Subject: Minutes of the Emergency Meeting of ANA Executive Board
Date: Monday, December 13, 2010, 10:11 AM
Held on December 12, 2010 at 12:00 noon EST
An emergency meeting of ANA Executive Board (without the 5 Officers) was called to discuss the present impasse of ANA functioning and was held today on December 12, 2010 at 12:00 noon EST through teleconference.
Among the 16 Executive Members of ANA, 9 were present in the meeting which are as follows:
Shambhu Dhungana, CA
Ananta Risal, NJ
Laxmi Gaudel, Washington, D.C.
Arun Dhital, NC
Dilliraj Poudel, MD
Jangbu Sherpa, MA
Mohan Timilsina, GA
Neelam Shrestha, CO
Shree Ram Dahal, WA
Today’s emergency meeting of the ANA Executive Board discussed the present impasse/crisis on ANA and agreed on the following resolution unanimously:
Since the present Officers are buried in the crisis of Boston convention issues and involved in resolving this issue, ANA Executive Board decided on Dec. 12, 2010 at its emergency meeting to form an adhoc committee according to the article IV section 4 of ANA bylaws to take over the day to day work of the ANA including Denver Convention and looking after the recent report of Boston convention implementation issues. This will be effective immediately. The ad hoc committee is formed with the following executive members:
- Mr. Ananta Risal, NJ
- Mr. Shree Ram Dahal, WA
- Mr. Mohan Timilsina, GA
- Dr. Shambhu Dhungana, CA
This ad hoc committee can be expanded in the future, if needed.
Subject: Minutes of the Emergency Meeting of ANA Executive Board
Date: Monday, December 13, 2010, 10:11 AM
Held on December 12, 2010 at 12:00 noon EST
An emergency meeting of ANA Executive Board (without the 5 Officers) was called to discuss the present impasse of ANA functioning and was held today on December 12, 2010 at 12:00 noon EST through teleconference.
Among the 16 Executive Members of ANA, 9 were present in the meeting which are as follows:
Shambhu Dhungana, CA
Ananta Risal, NJ
Laxmi Gaudel, Washington, D.C.
Arun Dhital, NC
Dilliraj Poudel, MD
Jangbu Sherpa, MA
Mohan Timilsina, GA
Neelam Shrestha, CO
Shree Ram Dahal, WA
Today’s emergency meeting of the ANA Executive Board discussed the present impasse/crisis on ANA and agreed on the following resolution unanimously:
Since the present Officers are buried in the crisis of Boston convention issues and involved in resolving this issue, ANA Executive Board decided on Dec. 12, 2010 at its emergency meeting to form an adhoc committee according to the article IV section 4 of ANA bylaws to take over the day to day work of the ANA including Denver Convention and looking after the recent report of Boston convention implementation issues. This will be effective immediately. The ad hoc committee is formed with the following executive members:
- Mr. Ananta Risal, NJ
- Mr. Shree Ram Dahal, WA
- Mr. Mohan Timilsina, GA
- Dr. Shambhu Dhungana, CA
This ad hoc committee can be expanded in the future, if needed.