Posted by: WikiLeaks December 10, 2010
ANA at a loss of 84 thousand USD in Boston
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More development on this. Read on.

Second Issue

एएनएको ता-त्तातो खबर


यो मनुवा बिनोद कुमार नेपालको लगातारको खोज र लेखनका कारण अन्तत; बोस्टन कन्भेन्सन फ़िनान्सिअल् इन्भेस्टिगेसन कमिटि (बिसीएफआइसी) को इन्भेस्टिगेसन रिपोर्ट लुकाइएको ठाउबाट बाहिर निस्कन बाध्य भयो । बिसीएफआइसीले फ्याक्ट फाईनडिंगको रुपमा तयार पारेको यो एकजुक्युटिभ समरी हो र उसले अति गोप्य रुपमा राखेको यो समरी म बिनोद कुमार नेपालको हातमा बोस्टनस्थित कन्भेन्सन स्थलबाट आकासबाणी भै चुहिन बाध्य भयो । यो कसैले पठाएको होइन, आफै दौडेर-कुदेर-उडेर आयो, किनकी एक घण्टा अगाडी मैले बिसीएफआइसीलाई प्रतिबेदन सार्बजनिक गर्न र कोहि दोषी भए डाएसपोरा नेपालीहरुलाई सु-सुचित गर्न आह्वान गरेको थिएँ । बिसीएफआइसीले गुप्त ठाउमा राखेको र उडेर मकहाँ आएको रिपोर्ट भित्रको फ्याक्ट फाईनडिंग र अझ त्यस भित्रको एकजुक्युटिभ समरी म मेरा हजारौ पाठक मित्रहरु अझ बिशेस गरेर डाएसपोराका नेपाली मित्रहरुको लागि देहाय बमोजिम जस्ताको तस्तै प्रस्तुत गर्न चाहन्छु;


Soon after its inception, the Boston Convention Financial Investigation Committee (hereafter refer as BCFIC) sent an email to all the concerned parties requesting their help in completing this investigation and requesting for any documentation/proof of income and expenses incurred during the convention. The response to the request was lukewarm at best. Slowly, information trickled in from various sources. However, till date no proof of income has been provided by most of the teams from the Boston convention. The Committee received a provisional statement from Utsab Gurung (President of GBNC and Treasurer of ANA) which reflects that the revenue of Boston Convention was $82,578.00 and Expenses $165,385.81 resulting in a Net Loss $82,807.81. On November 1, 2010 ANA Treasurer provided the actual Financial Statement with income of $84,742.95 and Expenses of $170,918.75 without attaching all the supporting documents to BCFIC.


यो गुप्त रिपोर्ट सार्बजनिक हुन्थ्यो हुन्थेन कसैले नजर अन्दाज गर्ने ठाउँ छैन, भलै यो रिपोर्ट एएनए एक्जिक्युटिभ कमिटीमा बिसीएफआइसीले प्रस्तुत गर्नासाथ् एक्जिक्युटिभ कमिटीका पदालुहरुको मनमा भूइँचालो  गयो । संस्थापन अध्यक्ष सिमोन ढुंगाना र उपाध्यक्ष मेदिनी अधिकारि, कोषाध्यक्ष उत्सब गुरुङ र कन्भेनर सुन्दर गुरुंगको निद हराम भयो । रात एक गुणा दिन तीन गुणा बोस्टन र भर्जिनिया दौडादौड भयो । मिटिंग र ईटिंग, थिन्किंग र ड्रिंगकिंग टू मच । बेस्सरी वात मारियो, भला कुसारी गरियो, कसले राजिनामा दिने भनेर होडबाजी चल्यो । अध्यक्ष ढुंगानाले दिए नाकै काटिने, सुन्दर गुरुङ दिंदै नदिने, उत्सब गुरुङ मलाइ मतलब छैन भन्ने । कसले राजिनामा दिने ॽ र यो मुद्दा सामसुम पार्ने भनेर चर्काचर्किका बीच सफ्ट लाइनर भनेर चिनिने क्र्यास म्यानेजमेन्ट एक्स्पर्ट उपाध्यक्ष मेदिनी अधिकारिलाई  अन्त्यमा  राजिनामा गर्न लगाईयो र अधिकारीले बाटो छोडी दिने निर्णय गरेछन् अस्ति डिसेम्बर ८ तारिखका दिन । उनको राजिनामा पनि जस्ताको तस्तै ;


Dear Executive Board Members, past Presidents/Advisers, functional managers and Life Members/well wishers,
I would like to draw your attention at the current situation of ANA and the suggestions provided by the past Presidents/Advisers of ANA to resolve this issue. I fully agree with the past Presidents/Advisers  that the present Officers of ANA completely failed to work for the benefit of ANA to the extent completely ignoring its bylaws and taking action just to fulfill their own interest more than for the interest of ANA. I tried to correct the situation as a Vice President but I failed as other Officers are blindly supporting to save one or few persons disregarding the interest of ANA. So, in such a situation I felt it is my moral responsibility to step down and not to be part of this team.
The problem started from Boston convention and it became worst after convention due to mishandling of the financial decisions such as; reversal of hotel charges, spending the reversed money in no time, trying to hide some of irregular financial charges, not providing detail revenue account until very late, cover up unscrupulous spending, taking action with complete disregard of bylaws, tempering of minutes of the board meeting, disregarding the decisions of the board, obstructing for the implementation of Commission Report and Recommendations,  are few examples what this present officers are doing just to save themselves. But I strongly disagree on all these actions and was voicing from the very beginning but now I am fully convinced that this team of officers and the leadership of ANA are not working for the interest of ANA, and therefore, it is time for me to let everyone know that I am not part of this team and resigning from my post of Vice President under moral ground by accepting or respecting the very Commission’s Report and past presidents' sincere request. I was the chairman of the Boston Convention and the convention was historic (please read the Boston Declaration at but we have financial management issues and it could have been well aborted if the leadership listened me on timely manner.
The issue I am raising here is the right vs. wrong and legal vs. illegal.  I cannot fit myself in this current leadership whose modus operand does not support right and legal.  A lawsuit seems lurking at the back and I still request everyone to step down and I am the first one to pave the way.  Realization of mistakes and moral acceptance makes a leader greater than his peer.
We have to respect and honor the laws of the land and bylaws of the organization that we belong and the executive decisions that we adopt during the meetings.  Nobody is above the organization and nobody can interpret the executive decision based on his interest.  For example, we had meeting on Nov 24th, the minutes has not been released yet.  One decision was to form the implementation committee but there was major interference by the president according to Dr. Hari Sharma. Seeing this, past Presidents who are also officially advisers of ANA have given advice in writing to the President and all Officers to step down at once and pave the way for rebuilding ANA. It is our moral duty to respect the advice of our Advisers (past presidents & founding members).
I knew about this letter last week and we had last officers’ meeting on Saturday and I announced about my resignation and encouraged everyone to follow suit.  But my friends were adamant about not giving up.  I wanted to announce this and brief all of you during the Oct 5th scheduled meeting but it was postponed indefinitely. How long can we prolong by postponing executive board meeting?
Hence, I have decided to step down voluntarily for now based on the commission’s Report and the past presidents’ calling.  It is a gentlemen’s gesture and I wish all of you, Officers will follow my footstep to save ANA.  Please rise to the occasion! I am not leaving my beloved organization for good.  I will be around for ANA to help this great organization which I helped build from modest to grand organization.  I will fully support and help to raise funds to rebuild ANA. I do not think a title matters to contribute ANA as long as you have good intention. I can always help and support ANA and will be there whenever it needs me.
Finally, I am an elected officer and I have thousands of people in my networks due to my long community service, charitable works and crisis management skills.  Therefore, I will have to let the public know about my decision and what is going on within the ANA and why I do not want to be part of this team. Since the president does not have authority after October 3rd meeting and the commission indicted everyone, I am tendering my resignation to Executive Board.  For all the Executive Board members, please hold the executive meeting as soon as possible and approve my resignation.   You have even bigger role to play now and if you would like to listen my concerns, I will address all of your questions.
With my best regards,
Good Bless ANA!!!
Medini Adhikari
Vice President
Centreville, VA
Dec 8th, 2010


राजिनामा निचोड होइन र समाधान त झन् हुँदै होइन । के त अब एक घण्टा अघि प्रेसित अनुमानित ८४ हजार डलर कै सेरोफेरोमा रहेको यो कूल घाटा कसले सकार्ने र डाएसपोराका नेपालीहरुको एकमात्र साझा संस्था एएनएलाई भडखालोबाट उकास्ने ॽ यसको जबाफ सिघ्रातीसिघ्र डाएसपोरा नेपालीहरुलाई चाहिएको छ ।
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