Posted by: _ November 28, 2010
UNLIMITED call to Nepal @ $10 per month
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If I need to have Internet at home, why would I pay $ to tringtel?

* I can get SIP device for less than $50 (your price) from ebay (or may be other reputed vendor)
* Can get a free US phone number for that SIP device in Nepal for FREE from
* Can call that US number-->SIP device from my cell or any phone to ring and talk at home.

If I use your service, I'll pay $10 x 12months + $50 for device = $170/first year and $120 afterwards

If I invest myself for the device, I'll pay $30 (ebay) = $30 for SEVERAL years!

This is just an example, there are A LOT OF other options at your price. Please correct me if I am wrong. I appreciate your idea, but it should be better than current options.

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