Posted by: pire July 19, 2010
आइन्स्टाइन र न्युटनको सिद्धान्तलाई चुनौती दिएर फर्किएका नेपालका युवा वैज्ञानिक
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Going to conference is , a lot of times, very trivial. If you are from a third world country and don't require financial assistance, it is not that hard. Sometimes all it take is that you apply for it.

And then there is this story of a famous MIT graduate student, who randomly permuted chalan-chaltika words and submitted to a computer science conference in Florida and got accepted. They used it to illustrate how one can get easily accepted into conferences these days. Of course, conferences do have their own rankings and I don't want to go into such details here.

(Srijana, I read the news in Saptahik, not nayapatrika. I am glad you know how to read Nepali, but please read the  message being projected too. Look what our country needs now is not these news, we have genuine stars, whether in small business, in NGOs, who are worthy of exposure and emulation. There are small time politicians in villages who need exposure, so that others learn from them. Not some porn actress. Sure one can write news about her, but in some page inside!)

Finally, in Nepal, thanks due to the low standard of journalists (Press Council or some related body lately lamented how there is no professional test or anything regarding journalists and anyone can be a journalist), the news that should never be published are getting headline. Another person claimed that he is filing for patent right for a plane that takes order directly from brain (man le udne plain) and this man was looking for financial assistance from govt. The good thing is at least our bureacrats are not that stupid and are unlikely to give money to these self promoter.

This kid need to change his school, finish highschool and college in good grade, and see how much he knows.
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