Posted by: Sculptor July 16, 2010
Dreamers, innovators, workaholics...केही गरेर देखाउन चाहनेहरु
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Thank you all for your comments and also thanks  for those who emailed me.

साझामा verbal attack गर्छन् भनेर डराएर बसे नेपालमा केही गर्न सकिएला त ? नेपालमा त  physical attack गर्नेहरु ऐले टन्न छन। यहाँ आउने धेरैले जसो मैले पनि आफ्नो बुद्दी, विवेक र क्षमताले भ्याये सम्म गर्ने काम त गरेको छु। केही समय देखी मलाई मैले एक्लै गर्नुभन्दा धेरै जनासँग मिलेर गर्‍यो भने त्यस्को असर धेरै हुन्छ जस्तो लागेर र धेरैले यस्तै सोचिराछन् कि भनेर कसै न कसै ले त शुरुवात गर्नु पर्‍यो भनेर यो जमर्को गरेको हुँ -- "एक थुकी सुकी, हजार थुकी नदी"।

अहिलेको मेरो उद्देश्य बाहिर छरिएर बसेका, शीप र ज्ञानका धनी र केही गरु भन्ने युवाहरुको एउटा network form गर्ने हो। The members of this network, if materialized, will meet every week (fortnight or month); will discuss on a topic (on mega projects like waste management to micro projects like chipping in some money for a student to continue his effort (or research) who did something outstanding); come up with socially/culturally/politically feasible and acceptable solution; and then will find out ways to implement it. We will start with small scale projects -- just to test ourselves on how good we are at discussing things online/remotely; come to a mutual agreement etc.

Sounds vague? Well, it might but its because we are not used to it. We grew up in a different society. But guys its doable. For those of you who chat online or conference call with your friends/family or the ones who "net-meet" once in a while to update or to get an update on projects, you know its doable.

One of the gentlemen who emailed me is supposed to do the research on how we "meet". If you are reading this make sure you get your a$$ in gears and recommend the best available technique. Just so let you know, I am not a fan of Facebook.

I will revive this thread at least once every week and keep it alive for few weeks. I will wait for some good posts/email, even if it means some nasty posts from some of you. Like I said, like some of us, I am doing something, I just thought most of us think the way I do...if there was another person(s).

None of the nasty post will deter me from doing what I have planned to do. I deleted one of the posts as it was off-the-track, it was necessary to keep the thread in its course.

Thanks for reading
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