Posted by: commando July 5, 2010
पहिला पहिला st.Xavier मा नाम निस्किदा कती गर्ब गरिन्थ्यो, अरु तोर्पेहरु लाई त मान्छे नि गन्निन्थ्यो, अझ मल्पी र बुढानिलकण्ठ का साथीहरु का त याटिच्युड नै खतरा, मुजी अैहे नमुना माद्यामिक बिद्यालय को ले gas station मा पेल्दा पो बौ को बिहे देखियो ।।। ला
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This isn't a thread I would have commented on, but last night I had a dream about my school and it made me nostalgic, so I wanted to write...

This is an urban legend but is worth knowing about - "Harvard is mostly famous for one thing - the "Harvard Four Minute Rule." The "Harvard Four Minute Rule" refers to the fact that it takes, on average, four minutes, from the point of having been introduced to somebody (who happens to have graduated from Harvard) for that person to casually mention that he/she graduated from Harvard."

This kinda applies to people from these schools. People from Budhanilkantha and St. Xaviers end up being better at talking and ending up with lots of experiences that are exciting to share, probably because St Xaviers has so many eca's and Budhanilkantha is a boarding school. I have felt this when I hang out with a few friends from my school and people from outside - we just get caught up in talking about the stories in our schools usually while the others do not really seem to have engaging stories and hold back. I would say, on average, these schools produce better story-tellers, who can talk about a wide variety of things and not just women, drugs or fights.

I don't really know what I wanted to share up there. But hawas, to this reply,

"Who the FK cares about Whether you passed some St...Xaviers or not? Does anyone?? Live in Reality ...Child... I am Sure I Make Fking Double-Treble the money you make right now...So Who Won???Dumbass."

For your last two sentences before Dumbass, consider the first two questions in your reply above as my reply. IF you're someone who has to brag about making money, and make such a gross assumption on top, you still need to learn more about life. This might help.

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