Posted by: dHwasE May 6, 2010
नेपालीहरुको आन्दोलन मोह
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NS bro,

I agree with most of things you have put here but I view the picture a bit differently. The crowd seem to be driven by fear and been duped by leaders as always been the case.  I don’t blame the mob, it can be steered or it can be motivated and exploited, so I don’t think all the participants are in favor of the protest or they are enthusiastic about it except those brainless YCL faggots who are just maintained for the specific purpose of creating fear and chaos and always are ready to flex their muscle power and some mercenaries (bhanda ko gunda haru) who always worship money rather than any side. Some are there for family reasons, some are there coz they are frustrated and they want to end this as soon as possible and some are getting paid to do this, of course I will do it, if I get some money , rather than sitting at home, and I get two meals for free. So illiteracy, unemployment and lack of social control are the reasons to be blamed and all of them are tied to “ineffective policies” implemented so far.

I know it pretty well when you refer to kids and youths in the school and colleges, I have been through that. At one point of time, I was ready to fight with my friends, in just one hint by the leaders of a party we used to follow blindfolded, and now I know those friends are there for me when I need them. So I don’t blame the crowd, I blame the leaders who are leading it, who are exploiting it to fulfill their agendas and their egos. When they lack morale, imagine they can lead these youths to fulfill their wicked intent.     The current demonstration in Nepal is not motivated by a general cause, its just Prachanda’s hubris; he wants to be PM again riding the back of these misdirected youths. He and his sidekicks are still blood thirsty and power hungry, they did not care for lives of thousands, why would they care for the sufferings of ppl rite now. I don’t know how many more lives they need to quench their vampire thirst.

Maoists have fked up the hope of Nepal and Nepalese already crippled by the greed and incompetency of the mainstream party leaders. Nepalese ppl voted them for the majority party in mainstream politics from an outcast terrorist group and see what they are getting in return. I am more worried about the emerging differences and hatred among Nepalese ppl, its no more Nepal and Nepalese, its bahun and bahun rajya, madhes and madhesh rajya  , khumbu and khumbuwan, and the list goes on …… so it seems our ancestors fought for wrong cause of unification, these ppl now want to stay divided and these leaders are stoking the fire with elements of racism and ethnicity and now they are going to fight for it, Nepal is going to revert to the stage of “baaise and chaubise rajya” and may be the word Nepal and Nepalese  would cease to exist ….


All I care about is prosperity of Nepal and Nepalese, don’t care which party does it or who does it but it hurts when I have to see the country being torn apart into pieces and the countrymen involved in zero sum game. I think that’s what is going on with all Nepalese diasporas abroad.


Anyway all I wanted for you is to read the following article from ekantipur but I got carried away, so let me shut the eff up and get back to work :P


  राजधानीबाट र्फकने क्रम जारी

काभ्रे (कास)- माओवादीले आमहडतालका लागि काठमाडांै लगेका रामेछाप, फर्पुका चित्रबहादुर विश्वकर्मा मलिन अनुहार पार्दै बुधबार फर्किरहेका थिए । हिंडेरै घर जान लागेका उनी बुधबार बनेपामा भेटिए । उनले काठमाडांैमा चिसोमा बस्नु परेका कारण हातखुट्टा सुन्निएको

बताए । 'हामी सर्वसाधारण हाँै', माओवादीले आन्दोलनका लागि जबर्जस्ती ल्याइएको हो', उनले भने, 'माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले धम्की दिएपछि आन्दोलनमा गएका हांै ।' उनीसँगै ३० जना सर्वसाधारण घर फर्किन हिँडेर जाँदै थिए । उनका अनुसार उनलाई हिंडेरै गाउँ पुग्न अझै २ दिन लाग्छ ।

'द्वन्द्वकालमा भन्दा अहिले बढी दुःख पाइयो', दुःख मात्र होइन मानसिक चिन्ता पनि बढी भएको उनले गुनासो गरे । आन्दोलन लम्बेपछि माओवादीले लगेका रामेछाप, सिन्धुपाल्चोक, दोलखा, सिन्धुलीका धेरै सर्वसाधारण अरनिको र बीपी राजमार्ग हुँदै फर्किरहेका छन् ।

'बिरामी थिएँ, जबर्जस्ती आन्दोलनमा लगे', दोलखा, जिरीका सोनाम लामाले दुःखेसो पोखे, 'रातभर लामखुट्टेको टोकाइ र चिसो ठाउँमा सुत्नु पर्दा ज्वरो आएर झन्डै मरेको ।' ज्वरोले निस्लोट भएर विस्तारै विस्तारै हिँडेर उनी घर जाँदै थिए । 'आउँदा बसमा आइयो, बिरामी छु, बाटामा कहाँ बस्ने ठेगान छैन', उनले भने, 'घर पुग्न मलाई अझै तीन दिन लाग्छ होला ।'

'काठमाडांैबाट आन्दोलन छाडेर धेरै सर्वसाधारण घर जान थालेपछि काठमाडांैमा रहेका माओवादीले आन्दोलन छाडेर जानेलाई कडा कारबाही गर्ने धम्की दिइरहेका छन्', उनले भने, 'बरु मारुन् अब उनीहरूको आन्दोलनमा जादैनांै ।'

'१७ गते काठमाडांैमा पुगेको थिएँ', सिन्धुलीका केदार थापाले भने, '१८ गते बेलुकादेखि पेट दुख्ने समस्याले सताइरहेको छ ।' बिरामी पर्दा माओवादीले राम्रो उपचार नदिएको उनले बताए । 'उपचार गराउन पैसा थिएन, माओवादीले राम्रोसँग उपचार गरिदिएन', उनले भने, 'त्यही भएर त्यहाँ बस्न नसक्ने भएर घर आएको हुँ, अहिले पनि समस्या उस्तै छ, गाउँमा पुगेपछि स्वास्थ्य चौकीमा जचाएर औषधि खान्छु ।'

काठमाडांैबाट फर्किएका अधिकांश सर्वसाधारणले माओवादीविरुद्ध आक्रोश पोखेका थिए । 'मलाई त केको लागि काठमाडांै ल्याइएको थाहा थिएन, माओवादीले समयमै संविधान बनाई गरीबी हटाउन भनेकाले आएँ', सिन्धुपाल्चोकका मिन अधिकारीले भने, 'काठमाडांै आएपछि बल्ल थाहा पाएँ प्रचण्डलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउनु पर्ने रे ।'


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