Posted by: Bidroh March 8, 2010
Loosing Weight , need serious suggetion please..
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Losing weight is pretty simple, especially if you love veggies.

Here are my tips :


1. Stay away from white stuff. i.e. NO white rice, no white sugar! Absolutely no!!!
2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
3. You HAVE to eat breakfast. Its a must. Your metabolism gets kickstarted and after 8 hours of sleep or so, your body needs something to get out of starvation mode.
4. Eat at least 5 meals. Eat every 3-4 hours. That way, you won't be eating a lot and at the same time, you won't be hungry in between your meals.
5. No to Soda/Pop ( because of Sugar ).
6. No eating after 8 pm. Also, early to bed will do the trick. The longer you stay awake, the hungrier you get and you start looking for snacks!
7. Now the tricky part. Eat LOTS and LOTS of veggies. You can NEVER go wrong by eating veggies. Eat as much as you can. Dumma bhudi phutne gari saag khanu.
8. Eat more lean protein. Protein builds muscles and the more muscular you get, the more calories get burned by your body. Watch out on Carbs. Carbs are good to give you energy but if you failed to burn it, guess where its gonna go and "sit down" - Yup, you guessed it. Your belly!
9. Eat Fiber! Plenty of 'em! Apple, 100% Whole grain wheat bread, Brown Rice, and Oatmeal are the best. Oatmeal for breakfast will do the trick. Also, eat at least somesort of fruit at least ONCE A DAY!!!
10. Limit your salt intake. Salt makes you look puffy ( fuleko jasto dekhincha ). So the less, the better.

1. NEVER only do cardio. You will see an amazing result if you focused on your entire body.
2. Be patient. Losing 1 lb/week is the best way to go. If you went on a diet, you'll see an instant result and you'll drop 4-5 lbs but after a week, your body soon realizes that your body NEEDS to be storing energy, hence it stores anything you eat as fat! And guess what, the fat stays around your belly.
3. Lift weights. You don't need to go to the gym but buy a pair of dumbbells. Go to youtube and look for exercises.
4. One thing you'll realize is, your belly fat is really hard to get rid of but you have to understand that THAT's the hardest part of all this. Even though we'd want to get rid of that belly fat, you've gotta realize that when you start working out, your body starts blasting belly fat all over your body and belly fat is the last area!
5. Work out at least 4 days a week. Start off slowly but don't wait for too long. The sooner you get your acts straight, the faster you'll see results. Trust me, if you took a month to reach your max level, you'll start growing impatient. But again, don't try anything as outrageous as losing 10 lbs in a month. That's plain unhealthy!

Plz Note that I'm not a fitness professional but I've gone through an amazing transformation myself. I grew up playing lots of Basketball, soccer and cricket but when I moved to the States 6 years ago, it all changed. Minnesota ko weather le khattamai paryo...lack of exercises and more importantly, the increase in serving size did it all. Slowly but surely, I had gained 20 lbs in 2 years!

So to sum it all up, you really need to work your ass off bro. If said that you wish to lose 10 lbs! 10 lbs doesn't do a lot of justice. Go on an extreme diet and you'll drop it easily within a couple weeks but you'll again end up gaining the weight back. You've gotta change your lifestyle. A perfect balance of workout and nutrition will do the trick. Personally, I can't eat veggies. I suck big time on that department. Tesaile my progress was a little slow. Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Of course, don't stop eating your favorite food completely but try to get rid of the bad food off your system. I used to be a huge fan of steak and cheeseburgers - not to forget, those meaty pies from a local Pizzeria! Its been almost 3 months since I ate a cheeseburger! Its really bad for your health. Ani drinking is the same. Stay away from alcohol.

If you have more questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them.

Good luck on your journey. Trust me, you'll see an overall change. You'll be happier, you'll be fitter and you'll be found smiling more often than not!

Last edited: 08-Mar-10 11:59 PM
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