Posted by: gauleyketo March 6, 2010
Nepal - The Most Amazing and Beautiful Place on Earth ( Help us to Promote " Nepal Tourism Year 2011 " )
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@sarkekodimang and @Namaskar

 ,,, firstly i wanna laugh at both of your faces ....Those are the shit change made by [Disallowed String for - bad word]ing parties and neta nepali wanted that change . Our country is always hindu kingdom , what ever is in the video , that is the true Nepal. Wake up kid , this video shows what our country is actually.

" Get over with Hindu Kingdom... whoever added that hindu kingdom
part...   needs re-education and can be charged by Nepal Government for
presenting falsified information to represent Nepal in the 
international level. "

If someone comes with it ..yes, better they , coz buddha was born in nepal , and Mt everest lies in Nepal .  but fasly google has mentioned " Buddha was born in Utter Pardesh " ..we will need that answer first ...and How may time india had claimed " Mt everest is in nepal " what about that false statement ...f%%k it... ..Just Love Nepal what it is ...don't bring any nonsense statement . There are lot of other question to be answers first !
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