Posted by: timer December 19, 2009
Ratna Park
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"Sajha Ratna Park"

We are in Sajha Ratna Park

Some one like Prachanda who think he can do anything, doesn't care other

Some one like Girija, who doesn't have any thoughts, dedication just he wants a Bihari Politics

Some one like Madhav, who seems like good but himself is very greedy

Some like (Khume, Gachhedar, Wagle, Joshi and K.C),who just look for money, curroption and wealth (Like Daka)

Someone like me, who can't do anything just look others and become angry

Someone like you, who think I know every thing in this world

Someone like all others, think, they are only good person, rest all are bad, the one who write in thread is the best and rest are worst, Finally Sajha is Ratna park sitting people with suit to daura and chappal.

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