Posted by: JPEG May 20, 2009
Why we hate indians?
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Shantipriya ji, the problem is not with Hinduism. The problems lies with the creator of the Veda.
The problems lies with the Indians.
Hinduism is just a new term coined by some British /German scholar to classified all the religious practices in Indian sub-continent. Veda did not said our religion is call Hinduism or give any name to it.
Therefore it is just known as Vedic teachings or Vedic Hinduism.

Hinduism= pre-vedic(tribal) religion + vedic religion

Therefore folks learn to distinguish Hinduism first. Hinduism is not bad after all if you know enough facts. It just that bad element has come into it and influence it. Like Indians coming to Indian-subcontinent and influencing Nepal and so on.

And Shantipriya ji and to others why i dig into Hinduism and things like that is to show an example
of how Indians have since the early periods been such a good liar/cheater. And still the Indians do that today. For example the number 1 nation that involves in H1-B VISA fraud are Indians.
Even after coming to the United States which has the best hi-tech in the world, Indians sure way have the brains to beat this system.

So folks do you get the idea how Indians manipulate and distort the truth. It doesn't matter to these people what is right from wrong as long as it benefits them.
For example Indians created caste system and brought into Nepal. Before that Nepal was caste less state.

The Vishnu Purana indicates that the "chatur-varna" or four class social system was absent in the lands of Kiratas in the East and the Yavanas(Greek) and Kambojas(Iranian), etc. in the West.

In ancient Hindu scriptures, lands of Kiratas extended from from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Nepal, Sikkim and Tripura as quoted by scholars.
The scholar H.C. Ray Chowdhary(The Political History of Ancient India) said
"In India, Kirat people occupied the regions from Himachal Pradesh to Assam in the north and from Manipur to Chittangong in south-east."

In one of the famous medieval Tantric texts known as Saktisangama Tantra, the “Kirat-desa” or Kirata country, situated in the hill regions of the Vindhya range, is included in the list of 56 countries. (Satpancasaddes-Vibhaga of ancient India).

G.P Singh wrote that the Kiratas also penetrated into southern India, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). The habitation of the Kiratas in some parts of Karnataka in the eighth century A.D itself can be very well
be proved by a grant of a Ganga King Sivwamara I dated A.D 713.
It was not only in ancient India, Tibet and China but also a group of countries and islands known as Indo-China, Malaya, Siam and Burma, constituting Greater India, which witnessed the expansion of Kiratas. From an astronomical work called Jyotistavam we know that the Kirata country also constituted a part of Tibet, which was known as Bhota in ancient times. Those who migrated towards Bhutan (Bhotanta i.e the end of Bhota or Tibet=borderland of Tibet), Sikkim, Nepal and northern part of Uttarakhanda after spread of Buddhism in the seventh century became known as Bhotiyas. Those who settled in the hills of Assam were called Bodes(from Bod=Bhota), who are stilled in the Kirati group. In the trans-Yamuna region(western), which was included in Madhyadesa of the Puranic period, they probably occupied "the southern part of the Aravalli hills" (the natural frontier region between the two valleys---the Indus and Ganges) in Rajasthan.

Their expansion in Rajasthan can also be coroborated by other sources. "that.....Kiratas once lived in Rajasthan and its neighbourhood, particularly its
hilly tracts is shown by instances from later Rajput history, particularly by the name.....Kiratakupa" (wells of the Kiratas or Kirata Kuta=hillock).
Their antiquity along with that of other non-Aryans has been pushed back to the "early Rigvedic time".
An inscription of 1235 Samvat era in one of the temple in the old city of Kiradu (now in ruins and connected with the ancient name Kirata) in Jodhpur state in Western Rajasthan is also a proof about their existence in Rajasthan. (The Kiratas in Ancient India) by G.P Singh)

Hence the Indian brought with them their Vedic teachings "chatur-varna" or four class social system into present day Nepal. Because of this system,
several ethnicities was created and discrimination flourished in Nepal.
Discrimination of the Dalits is an issue through out all of India. Dalits are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea stalls. These are just a few things they can't do. This is present through out all of India even in Nepal, thank you very much.
This "chatur-varna" was only created for their benefits. For example if Dalit is rich the the Indian pujari will let dalit to his kitchen. Indians are are money hungry. They would lick a rupee out of Dalits assss.

Should there have been no Indians on our southern border, Nepal would have not come to its present state. Hence just blame Indian folks. I have given ample evidence of reasons doing so.

jpg, future archaeologist

Last edited: 20-May-09 03:19 PM
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