Posted by: herealone March 16, 2009
In 1980, there was only one country in the world with no telephones - Bhutan.
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There are more plastic flamingos in America than real ones.

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

Lee Harvey Oswald's cadaver tag sold at an auction for $6,600 in 1992.

Mosquitoes have teeth.

Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.

Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.

The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.

When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.

Most cows give more milk when they listen to music.

27% of U.S. male college students believe life is "a meaningless existential hell."

In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die.

Aztec emperor Montezuma had nephew, Cuitlahac, whose name meant "plenty of excrement."

Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.

"Kemo Sabe" means "soggy shrub" in Navajo.

If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both frontlegs in the air, the person died in battle;
If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle;
If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.


No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.

"Go." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II
killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

In Kentucky, 50% of the people who get married for the first time are teenagers.

Sherlock Holmes never did say "Elementary, my dear Watson."

The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you can't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

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