Posted by: bhusan December 27, 2008
Himal Media Journalists attacked
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Pire there is few things fundamentally wrong with your analysis.

You say " I want my personal suffering to be shared by others in Kathmandu too. I want those who encouraged the Maoists in the first place to pay in some way."

You seem to think that people from Kathmandu encourages the maoists. The fact stands that the Maoists were encouraged from the support they received from uneducated villagers to whom they promised better lifestyle and access to better amenities, some even the consolation that they will receive house/land in Kathmandu.

It is wrong to blame the people of Kathmandu for the Maoist infestation. What's been wrong is the governance which has been mostly due to the Shah kings, who have ignored the plight of the villages in Nepal. For this the most recent former Shah king had to pay dearly - not that I hold him totally responsible. The responsibility had been ignored from long time back Possibly since PN Shah's time.

Pire, you are putting on the blame upon Kathmanduites because it is convenient for you. As I said most of the blame goes to the Shah kings' rulings. Secondly, the blame goes to india for harboring terrorists like Prachanda and Baburam Bhattarai.

Nepal and India have had many differences in the past but it took a different turn when ex king Gyanendra openly supported China and even made recommendation to the SAARC to include China within SAARC as observers. For India, this came as the last straw specially when they were on top of their game within the SAARC and could not tolerate king G's tilt towards China. That is the reason, Prachanda and Baburam were free to live in India and command the Maoist guerellas who had already been marked as terrorist even by the US. India not only gave them freedom of movement but also monetary and arms support to carry out the grand plan of overthrowing the king. Even after the Maoists joined the seven party alliance, the maoist big shots Prachanda and Baburam made many trips to India.

It is simply wrong to blame ordinary folks, businessmen or intellectuals in Kathmandu for what happened in the Villages. Every citizen wants to have a normal life, work for a living with the hope of betterment and that's what the people of kathmandu did while the India supported maoist movement began it's crusade of murder and exploitation. Before the maoists seeped into their daily lives, even the villagers did the same thing ie wanted to have a normal life according to their own definition and to work for a living with the hope of a better future. Many times we are led to believe that most villagers joined the maoists of their own free will but this is simply a case of the winner writing history. Most people joined the maoist movement because of fear and nothing else. Try chopping of few teachers in front of everyone and see how many people disagree with what you have to say.

The politicians didn't do anything concrete all this time besides fighting amongst each other to amass the most wealth. King G didn't do anything smart either. In fact he had a great opportunity to set everything right but he probably has wrong advisors to advise him. He made very bad choices such as selecting a murderer for a minister. That was a tipping point in him losing his thorne. The people of kathmandu had some hope in the king but his choices of ministers just proved that there wasn't going to be anything new or spectacular in what the king could ever accomplish for the people.

Thus, when the election came the people of kathmandu made the wrong choice of supporting the maoist simply due to lack of better alternatives. Little did they know that the maoist govt would go on to become worse than the kings rule. At least in the king's rule there was only one family at the top of the pyramid. Now in the maoist regime there are many families at the top of the pyramid. Plus these families had to take help of others to get there so there are a lot of favors to be paid. So the murderer of ram hari shrestha gets to go scott free thanks to the favors he had done for the current rulers. Same way, many YCL activists who beat up people and businessmen for not paying hafta gets to roam around without any fear. During the kings time noone went to businesses and demanded money or beat up ordinary citizens who were just working hard to make ends meet. But now, in this maoist regime, their ego is superior to democracy and anyone who stands against it, whether it be supportive of law or not. Law and order a thing of the past in this maoist regime. The sense of security that existed during the Kings regime has been replaced by total lawlessness and gunda gardi of the maoist protected elements. Don't call me a monarchist for this observation. It is the truth. I have blamed the kings where it's due.

Today, few months after the maoists have been in power, the future of the country looks bleak. With the recent attack on himal media they have boldly stated that if anyone goes against them then they will be retaliated with force. This is not what democracy stands for and it's time for us people in Kathmandu to come out to the streets and fight these goons. They don't deserver to be where they are right now.

Pire, I hope I have made myself a little clearer here. The circumstances of the attack on the villagers back then when maoists were called terrorists is a lot different than the maoists attacking a media house now that they are running the government. So let's not compare those and work together to get rid of these parasites who are sucking our nepal and nepalis dry.
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