Posted by: Biggy Small December 3, 2008
Please forgive former king Gyanendra
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After reading some of the comments I couldn't help but have my opinion be heard too. These are just my personal thoughts up on reading some of your comments. One comment that particularly caught my interest was "Atleast in present system , we can shout at the government whether it works or not."

Do you really beleive this to be true?
Can anyone of us go on Nepal TV, newspapers or the radio and comment on Prachanda or Baburam or Upendra without facing any repercussions? Can we go and comment on the how certain policies are not working and what is required in Nepal in order to run the country? Nepal has a lot of intelligent people and I am sure all of us realize we need to work on economic policies, educational policies, infrastructure. But none of have raised these issues. Our current government is working on what should they name various things and removing statues etc. These things should be last on their list. Do these things once you prove you are worthy of your position.

I am not here to support kingship or any of the current politician. As much as I love my country, at this point of time I just feel like it's a lost cause. I just feel like Politicians don't get it and majority of the citizens don't get it. (by it I mean the necessities to improve a country). The people who do get it are frustrated and have either left the country or are waiting for their opportunity to leave the country.

The only way to stir things up is to bring in New Blood in the fore front. New thinkers that truely beleive in things such as it's more beneficial to grow the pie rather than fight for the last piece of pie. People who aren't afraid of change but rahter think of change as a path to new opportunities.

The reason I say Nepal is currently a lost cause is because nothing has changed. Has violence in the country decreased, have there been any economic improvements, do our citizens feel safe?

What has Prachanda or Baburam done for the very people they promised a brighter Nepal? What has Upendra Yadav done for the people of terai since coming to office? All I have seen is Prachanda and Upendra doing world tours in their suits.
Maybe I am been blinded by some of my own beliefs and couldn't see the changes. So I request fellow sajhites to help me. Those sajhites that believe things have changed in Nepal for the better, please could you list out the things that have imporved and how it has benefitted the larger population of Nepal.

Thank you.
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