Posted by: fortunefaded October 3, 2008
As days goes by.............
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Have we forgot to give credit to the poet or are we so stupid enough to blatantly copy someone else's work and claim it as ours?
I can usually smell a junkie a few yards away and a plagiarist a few sentence ahead.

Ever wondered why the following part was trash?
Remember to always say what you mean.
If you love or like someone, tell them.
Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and
tell someone what they mean to you. Because when
you decide that it is the right time it might be too late.
  Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most  importantly, stay
close to your friends and family, for they have
 helped make you the person that you are today.

Here is the deserved credit to the author of the poem titled Around the Corner, Charles Hanson Towne.
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