Posted by: Nas August 15, 2008
Another War in the making?
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Samsara bro, with all due respect, I thought you knew better about the US proxy war against the Russians through its proxy client puppet state Georgia. I am amazed that you still get your dose of  news from the Establishment's controlled propaganda machines. But yes you are absolutely right about the "another war in the making" but it will be initiated by the United States of America. Make no mistake about it, to Dick Cheney and his neocon co-conspirators, the cold war never ended and continues to this day. This is truly a Cheney/Bush Administration where Bush is the oblivious stooge / cheerleader while Cheney positions and moves all the pieces on the grand global chess board.

Georgian forces, trained and equipped by the Pentagon and the U.S. government, killed 10 Russian peacekeepers in a provocation attack that has escalated into military conflict, but the subsequent corporate media coverage would have us believe that the U.S. and NATO-backed client state Georgia is a helpless victim, when in actual fact a far more nuanced geopolitical strategy is being played out.


Former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev gave a good summary of events in an op-ed in Monday’s Washington Post:

“For some time, relative calm was maintained in South Ossetia. The peacekeeping force composed of Russians, Georgians and Ossetians fulfilled its mission, and ordinary Ossetians and Georgians, who live close to each other, found at least some common ground….What happened on the night of Aug. 7 is beyond comprehension. The Georgian military attacked the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali with multiple rocket launchers designed to devastate large areas….Mounting a military assault against innocents was a reckless decision whose tragic consequences, for thousands of people of different nationalities, are now clear. The Georgian leadership could do this only with the perceived support and encouragement of a much more powerful force. Georgian armed forces were trained by hundreds of U.S. instructors, and its sophisticated military equipment was bought in a number of countries. This, coupled with the promise of NATO membership, emboldened Georgian leaders into thinking that they could get away with a “blitzkrieg” in South Ossetia…Russia had to respond. To accuse it of aggression against “small, defenseless Georgia” is not just hypocritical but shows a lack of humanity.” (”A Path to Peace in the Caucasus”, Mikhail Gorbachev, Washington Post)

The question for Americans is whether they trust Mikhail Gorbachev more than the corporate media?

CNN is airing misleading footage of the war between Georgia and Russia, skewing public opinion in favor of the Georgians, according to a Russia Today cameraman.

The Russian cameraman charged that CNN had used his footage of Georgian forces attacking Russian civilians in Tskhinvali, the provincial capital of South Ossetia, but then claimed it showed Russians attacking Georgians in the Georgian town of Gori.

To understand this conflict, one should read Zbigniew Brzenzinski's book. Brzenzinski is one of the founders of Trilateral Commission, the aim of which is to establish a One World Government aka New World Order. He was former foreign policy advisor for Carter and now Obama's foreign policy advisor.

Brzezinski is not only the architect of the mujahadin-led campaign against Russia in Afghanistan in the 1980s, but also, the author of “The Grand Chessboard–American Primacy and it’s Geostrategic Imperatives”, the operating theory behind the war on terror which involves massive US intervention in Central Asia to control vital resources, fragment Russia, and surround manufacturing giant, China.

“The Grand Chessboard” it is the 21st century’s version of the Great Game. The book begins with this revealing statement: 
“Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power…..The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics.”

"This is the heart-and-soul of the war on terror. The real braintrust behind “neverending conflict” was actually focussed on Central Asia. It was the pro-Israeli crowd in the Republican Party that pulled the old switcheroo and refocussed on the Middle East rather than Eurasia. Now, powerful members of the US foreign policy establishment (Brzezinski, Albright, Holbrooke) have regrouped behind the populist “cardboard” presidential candidate Barak Obama and are preparing to redirect America’s war efforts to the Asian theater.Obama offers voters a choice of wars not a choice against war."

And how many of you are aware about the recent expose of Dick Cheney's false flag operation who considered killing Americans to attack Iran. It should have been a headline news but don't expect it to get it from your mainstream media, however Keith Olbermann did talk about it.

In the video here, taped at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, the Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh reveals how the neocons convened around Dick Cheney and brainstormed ways to kick off World War IV, as they fondly call their pet project to take out the Muslims and foment a contrived “clash of civilizations.”

According to Hersh, this meeting occurred after the neocons failed miserably to stage a rehashed version of the Gulf of Tonkin incident in the Strait of Hormuz. In an exclusive Think Progress story, we learn the meeting took place in Cheney’s office and the subject on the table was “how to create a casus belli between Tehran and Washington,” part of an ongoing effort to provide an excuse to attack Iran. “There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war,” Hersh explains. “The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.

Also watch these two videos on the Strait of Hormuz incident. This is how War starts with mainstream media's propaganda and their lies. I have stopped trusting these establishment's machines. Six giant corporations controlls all the press in USA. The CEO's and all influential journalists are members of Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg group whose ambition is to create a One World Governemnt.

The American Version

The Iranian Version

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