Posted by: GP May 23, 2008
Anti-maoists protests in Koteshwor, Tinkune, Baneshwor, Balkumari......
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At the end of French revolution, French started trimming head of people who were against the revolution or harmed (in the eye of revolutionists) revolution causes. They slashed head on gilletine .... The number went up everyday. As the number rose to 100 or 200, then public were overwhelmed. As the time passed, when the witnesses passed the information to those waiting to hear:

A: How many killed today?

B: about 200.

A: Today, just 200. That is too low. Yesterday, they were doing good because 300 were killed. These people could not catch the royalists. Damn it.

Next day:

A: How many killed today?

B: about 300.

A: Great.

Days continued. It is the same thing that we saw in Iranian revolution. The number rose .... in such a dramatic path that people wanted to see more slaughtered, and revolutionary government also wanted to satisfy the thirst of people's desire to see more number.

What is the disgusting part in these conversations and desire, is that they don't care who were killed? What was their mistake? Why did they do that mistake? ..... Insensitiveness. Just another death, who cares type of mentality.

Today, we can see the similar mentality. Maoists are reasoning that why such a fuss for just another commoner's death as there are already 15,000. It just adds another number 1 to the list. This can be clearly seen on Nepe-sir's reply to my earlier request. For him, RHSs death is just another death. "RHS" is not really important, that is what we can sense from his posting, and it is the same mentality that French or Iranian revolutionists had in the end of their revolution. It is the mentality of any Maoist supporters whether in this forum or in Kantipur Daily or The Kathmandu Post or ..... They have no Shame.

Well, Nepe-sir might not be happy with my comment. Meanwhile, I appreciate his nice word on me on his earlier posting.

I doubt whether your comment on finding a way to punish the perpeterators of the deaths in the past, or this is just a GOHI KO ANSU because public opinion is on the otherside at this moment, and it is not a good time for you to write something on the otherside. I doubt your honesty, because you did not consider RHS as an individual, but just another XYZ person. You did not write a single word towards denouncing the killing.

In the name of punishing the evils of the past, we can not simply keep adding the number and letting the Maoists run their killing spree. You should have denounced at least this part. It needs a courage to denounce the atrocities. You failed to that in the earlier posting. Maoists will keep adding others in the same list ...we will let it go on and on and on... . Maoist killed 4 year old Kajal (burned alive in Chitwan Narayangarh), 38 people killed in Madi, Birendra Sah killed, and today, Mr. RHS. It is time to stop, and denounce the killing spree. Read carefully:

Nepe writes:

  GP wrote:

>Hoina Hamro Nepe sir kaha janu bhayo! Ek sabda

>bolnu bhayena. khub bolnu hunthyo ....




गम्भिर र शालिन कुराकानी/छलफल हुनुपर्छ, बोलाउँदा म नआउने कुरै छैन । तर अन्य प्रकृतिको कुराकानीको लागि भने मसंग अब उर्जा र जाँगर दुबै रहेन । त्यसैले म साझाका सबै प्रकृतिका छलफलमा सामेल हुन नसक्ने बेहोरा निवेदन गर्दै सबैसंग अग्रिम क्षमा माग्दछु, रे क्या ।


जहासम्म तपाईले जिज्ञासा राख्नुभएको मेरो धारणाको कुरा छ, यो जनयुद्ध शुरुभए यताका अवधी भर एकजना होईन हजारौं रामहरिश्रेष्ठहरु अपराधको शिकार भएका छन् र तीनका परिवारजन आँसुमा डुबेर साँचो सूचना र न्यायको दिन पर्खेर बसिरहेका छन् । ती समस्त पीडितहरुलाई न्याय दिलाउने प्रणालीको खोज नै वास्तविक न्यायको लडाई हो । मेरो विचारमा त्यस्तो प्रणाली भनेको एक-दूई घटनालाई सडक न्याय दिलाएर बाँकीलाई बेवास्ता गर्नु नभई सबैलाई सधै भरि सबै मामलामा एकैनासे न्याय अर्थात अदालती न्याय दिने प्रणालीलाई बढावा दिनु, काम गर्न लगाउनु र काम नगरेको खण्डमा मात्र अन्य विकल्पको खोजीमा जानु हो ।


त्यसैले अहिले चलिरहेको आन्दोलन त्यो बिन्दूतिर जाने मार्गप्रशस्त गर्ने हदसम्म ठीक हो । सडकमै न्यायसम्पादन गरेर सक्नेतिर लाग्न हुँदैन ।


अदालतमा जाऔं । मूद्धा हालम् । अदालतलाई काम गर्न लगाऔं । न्यायको नजीर स्थापना गरौं र त्यही नजीरद्वारा बाँकी समस्त पीडीतहरुलाई न्याय खोज्ने र पाउने बाटो बनाईदिम् मेरो यही आग्रह हुनेछ रामहरिश्रेष्टको न्यायको निम्ति आन्दोलन गरिरहेका समस्त न्यायप्रेमी जागरुक नागरिकहरुलाई र केही पनि नगरेर त्यसै बसिरहेका नागरिकहरुलाई समेत ।





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