Posted by: sanas April 24, 2008
४ किल्लामा ४० बुंदा
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It is a good time to review maoist's demanad.


४ किल्लामा ४० बुंदा

सांच्चै नेपालको प्रगती शुस्त नै छ। कुनै बेला कोरिया र सिंगापुर भन्दा अगाडी रहेको देश अहिले पुछारमै पुगेको छ। यस्तो त्यसै भएको छैन। सरकार चलाउनेको ढंग नपुगेको हो या ढंग हुने सरकारमा नपुगेको हो तर नेपालमा जता पनि समस्यै समस्या देखिन्छ। कोहि त्यही समस्या झेल्दै बस्छन त कोहि त्यहि समस्या देखाएर बिदेशीन्छन। अनि कोहि त्यही समस्या देखाएर युद्द छेड्छन।
ठ्याक्कै १२ बर्ष अघी संयुक्त जनमोर्चा नेपालका अध्यक्ष बाबुराम भट्टराइले तत्कालिन सरकार प्रमुख शेर बहादुर देउवा समक्ष पंचायत ढलेको ६ बर्ष हुंदा पनि देश उधै गतिलागेको भनेर ४० बुंदे माग पेश गरेका थिए। माग तुरुन्तै पुरा नभए हतियार उचाल्ने धम्की मागसंगै जनाइएको थियो। माग पुरा भएन माओबादीले जनयुद्द छेडे, थुप्रै जनधनको क्षती भयो। अहिले आएर बन्दुक थन्काए अनी चुनाबमा हेलिए।माओबादीले शानदार बिजय हांसिल पनि गरे। अब हेर्नुछ चार किल्लामा राज गरेर आफ्नै ४० बुंदे माग तुरुन्तै पुरा गर्छन या कहिल्यै पुरा गर्दैनन।
माओबादीको ४० बुदेको सार यस्तो थयो।
1.All discriminatory treaties, including the 1950 Nepal-India Treaty, should be abrogated.
2.The so-called Integrated Mahakali Treaty concluded on 29 January, 1996 should be repealed immediately, as it is designed to conceal the disastrous Tanakpur Treaty and allows Indian imperialist monopoly over Nepal's water resources.
3.The open border between Nepal and India should be regulated, controlled and systematised. All vehicles with Indian licence plates should be banned from Nepal.
4.The Gurkha/Gorkha Recruitment Centres should be closed. Nepali citizens should be provided dignified employment in the country.
5.Nepali workers should be given priority in different sectors. A 'work permit' system should be strictly implemented if foreign workers are required in the country.
6.The domination of foreign capital in Nepali industries, business and finance should be stopped.
7.An appropriate customs policy should be devised and implemented so that economic development helps the nation become self-reliant.
8.The invasion of imperialist and colonial culture should be banned. Vulgar Hindi films, videos and magazines should be immediately outlawed.
9.The invasion of colonial and imperial elements in the name of NGOs and INGOs should be stopped.Concerning people's democracy
10.A new constitution should be drafted by representatives elected for the establishment of a people's democratic system.
11.All special privileges of the king and the royal family should be abolished.
12.The army, the police and the bureaucracy should be completely under people's control.
13.All repressive acts, including the Security Act, should be repealed.
14.Everyone arrested extra-judicially for political reasons or revenge in Rukum, Rolpa, Jajarkot, Gorkha, Kabhrc, Sindhupalchowk. Sindhuli, Dhanusa, Ramechhap, and so on, should be immediately released. All false cases should be immediately withdrawn.
15.The operation of armed police, repression and state-sponsored terror should be immediately stopped.
16.The whereabouts of citizens who disappeared in police custody at different times, namely Dilip Chaudhary, Bhuwan Thapa Magar, Prabhakar Subedi and others, should be investigated and those responsible brought to justice. The families of victims should be duly compensated.
17.All those killed during the People's Movement should be declared martyrs. The families of the martyrs and those injured and deformed should be duly compensated, and the murderers brought to justice.
18.Nepal should be declared a secular nation.
19.Patriarchal exploitation and discrimination against women should be stopped. Daughters should be allowed access to paternal property.
20.All racial exploitation and suppression should be stopped. Where ethnic communities are in the majority, they should be allowed to form their own autonomous governments.
21.Discrimination against downtrodden and backward people should be stopped. The system of untouchability should be eliminated.
22.All languages and dialects should be given equal opportunities to prosper. The right to education in the mother tongue up to higher levels should be guaranteed.
23.The right to expression and freedom of press and publication should be guaranteed. The government mass media should be completely autonomous.
24.Academic and professional freedom of scholars, writers, artists and cultural workers should be guaranteed.
25.Regional discrimination between the hills and the tarai should be eliminated. Backward areas should be given regional autonomy. Rural and urban areas should be treated at par.
26.Local bodies should be empowered and appropriately equipped.
27.Land should be belong to 'tenants'. Land under the control of the feudal system should be confiscated and distributed to the landless and the homeless.
28.The property of middlemen and comprador capitalists should be confiscated and nationalised. Capital lying unproductive should be invested to promote industrialisation.
29.Employment should be guaranteed for all. Until such time as employment can be arranged, an unemployment allowance should be provided.
30.A minimum wage for workers in industries, agriculture and so on should be fixed and strictly implemented.
31.The homeless should be rehabilitated. No one should be ' relocated until alternative infrastructure is guaranteed.
32.Poor farmers should be exempt from loan repayments. Loans taken by small farmers from the Agricultural Development Bank should be written off. Appropriate provisions should be made to provide loans for small farmers.
33.Fertiliser and seeds should be easily available and at a cheap rate. Farmers should be provided with appropriate prices and markets for their produce.
34.People in flood and drought-affected areas should be provided with appropriate relief materials.
35.Free and scientific health services and education should be available to all. The commercialisation of education should be stopped.
36.Inflation should be checked. Wages should be increased proportionate to inflation. Essential goods should be cheaply and easily available to everyone.
37.Drinking water, roads and electricity should be provided to all villagers.
38.Domestic and cottage industries should be protected and promoted.
39.Corruption, smuggling, black marketing, bribery, and the practices of middlemen and so on should be eliminated.
40.Orphans, the disabled, the elderly and children should be duly honoured and protected .
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