Posted by: Nepe April 18, 2008
Aba Hamro Palo ....Politics of Palo
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A delightful dose of yet another thoughtful scrutiny of our polity.


On the taboo subject of “Sikkimization”, I totally agree with your observation and analysis.


Regarding the ethnic/regional parties, they certain are here to stay and do their part. I am happy and actually excited about them as I see them as a mediator and translator of the decentralization of power and the promotion of the local self-rules which is what this revolutionary change is all about.


However, I do not see a scenario of them making a coalition and being able to take charge of the whole country (not transiently, but for a full term and more) in case Maoist and other national parties fail.


Among other things, I think there is a mysterious disease that infects all political parties equally in Nepal. So I was visualizing a pandemic/endemic kind of situation.


Regarding Maoist, their Bibles, their morning prayers, their worshippings, their language and rituals do give an impression that they live in a world where they see only predators and preys and only black and white. However, if we study their real-life activities, their interaction with other parties and their resolutions, we would see that they know how the real world is. Coalition and compromise have been ta part and parcel of their recent journey and what they have achieved today.


So, all this makes me see communism to Maoists as what “In God We Trust” is to fine American politicians, a religion.


If American democracy can live and flourish with “In God We Trust”, Maoist certainly can, if they wished so, deliver still with their “In Mao We Trust”.


We might have to put up with some communist jargons and rituals, as Adjunct_Professor-jee put elsewhere. However, the good news is that Maoists have already started to say, “In Money-making We Trust”.



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