Posted by: MadDoGG April 14, 2008
Tulu Tulu Naherney Raja ley Turu Turu NaMuta
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Seto Machindra NAth fell to warn People what is to come for their bad choise to elect a communist  maobadi. AS for our King................probabely you dont know this but The ROYAL NEPAL army is still loyal to his MAJESTY. The king will not go down with out a fight. It was right for the people to not elect the criminal political leaders who has raped the country for decades............But in stead they chose even worse.......Its like jumping out of the hot  frying pan to the fire.................I posted this thought in my other post READ IT

THIS HASNT BEEN A FAIR ELECTION TO BEGIN WITH...with maoist door to door slogans in rural villages like ..."hamilai vote nadiye tauko jhola ma jiu khola ma". Maoist strong holds where security forces were outnumbered and ballot boxes were destroyed....I even saw an news clip where children under ten were voting in front of the SO CALLED INTERNATIONAL POLLING OBSERVERS. There was another clip where maoist caders were in the voting box in numbers and commanding the people to stamp their maoist sign no matter what. I saw another documentry by CNN where the polling both was burnt and ladies complaining that the YCL blocked their way to vote. Before the elections Maoist parties leaders were threatning people that if the maoist wouldnt winn ...they would capture the state in 10 minutes and there will be death and destruction to follow....SO a normal family man will easily be feared to vote for the maoist SO he can live a normal life......People voted for the Maoist like they would give candy to a crying baby who would throw a tantrum if he doesnt get the candy he wants.....So to calm the maoist who promised a war if they lost...people out of fear voted for them everywhere.....The people were also sick of all these same political party leaders too. They are the reasons why the maoists were formed in the first place......they had every chance in the past decades to right Nepal and take her to a better situation...instead Nepal was going down the hill and people were getting sick of these same political leaders who promise so much during elections but soon after that Nepalese peopel have to suffer from everything,
Their lies have come to haunt them. NOW having said that this election was won by the Maoist by pure fear and intimidation......WE are talking about nepal here. where anyone with money can get away with murder, make any kind of documents, work miracles with money and source force. SO I differ to agree that people voted for the same people who killed thousands of innocent Nepalese.....To vote for them is an insult to those families who lost loved ones due to the maoists....I ma surprised how people forgot how maoists abducted school childerns teachers, Villages and used them as human shields in fornt of the security forces so that when an innocent was hit by a security personal bullet...It was made that the government was against the villlagers so they better support the maoists...A dirt Propaganda. WE as intellectuals understand and know the whole dirty politics all tried to play yet people still follow these leaders with passion because the only way they surrround people around them is money and corruption tricles from them....Like an artic fox never leaves to trail the Polar bear to scavange his leftover food...
Communism and democracy can Never Go along together and neither can capilastic society under communism, Its only theory never Practical. Show me one successfull commie country where the people arent oppressed and are democratic views and ffree to express them selves......ALL I see is any country that tried communism has had millions of death and destruction. Democracy says if you dont like the government you can say or write against communism it is  crime punishable by death. Thats is why many people around the world are afraid what the maoist can do. I hope they wont do that but That is the core fo their foundation..that has been their form a working class only NEPAL a Utopian tataltarian country where equallity is the key ..but it doesnt mention that the only equality that will be shared by all Nepalese is...MISERY. They will exile the King, they will seal borders, there will be huge killing fields for all the democratic people and opposing party personals .....NO discrimination, Everything will be termed as National property hence everyone will be working personal belonging .....all belong to the nation...people will be told what to wear, watch, eat, believe, etc etc.....NOW some of you will say that is not possible in this day and age???? WELL CUBA STILL HAS IT.....N KOREA STILL HAS IT,.....the world will sanction Nepal only to hurt the innocent people ...the leaders will still live in luxury..Look at Burma...what can other country do......just oppose in a diplomatic stage in a world meting, sanction those countries.....THE MAOIST KNOW THIS and once in power......WATCH what they will do......

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