Posted by: houstonguys December 21, 2007
HOUSTONGUYS awarded sajha person of the year 2007
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houstonguys awarded Sajha Person of the Year 2007

As we approach the end of year 2007, I would like to take a brief moment to congratulate HOUSTONGUYS for being selected as the sajha person of the year 2007. Thanks to houstonguys's participations on sajha - may it be in discussions or simply participation as a reader, houstonguys has added to the diversity of thoughts and ideas in sajha.

Although this award does not come with any prizes please note that it comes with gratitude from the rest of the sajha community for spending your valuable time helping sajha bring together Nepali communities from near and far, and for helping sajha become one of the richest Nepali sites in terms of sharing ideas, views and articles. has grown a lot in 2007 due to participation from visitors like yourself.

I wish you a very happy, prosperous and satisfying new years 2008, and look forward to your participation in the near future.

Jai houstonguys, Jai Sajha and Jai Nepal!

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