Posted by: Maverick_ October 26, 2007
NFL is the worst game in the world
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Being in us and for all political and diplomatic reason, I never could shun American football. It is the most watched domestic

league in the world with average of 65000 spectators in the stand, btw German bundesliga is a distant second with 25000 spectators, according to the one newspaper which I read last yr:p. The final of the league or super bowl is one of the most viewed game andone of the most financially success game and the league of the world. Though I am not a big fan of it but I do have enjoyedmost of the games I have watched. But saying all these, American football is not one of the technically good games in theworld. It is just an average game. Here are the reasons:


1.       All the moves and plays are co-ordinate, planned and practiced exactly well before the game. Hence it is just like the grand finale of the rehearsal. In other games, strategic plans are developed but it has to be molded according to the situation of the game since most of the time there are no stoppage time.

2.       There are so many players, that you wonder if it’s a team. You can imagine what would happen to soccer, if a

particular player could just hit from one position or from one range, what if all the defenders could come to play when ball is in opponent’s feet. Due to this, the game has lost its charm since even die hard fans have terrible time remembering names of all the players. Hence very few players get the appraisal, though it is touted to be the team game.

3.       The physique of the player is some important. In other words everybody got be huge. Six foot player are

considered to be petite. Now how can this be one of the best sports if it cannot encompass most of the people if not all? Though stamina and speed are inevitable needs of every player of every game, a particular size can be counter balance with other skills. Small size players cannot compete in this game. Hence, for Asian people, it will never be a passion.

4.       To say this is fast game (as another blogger mentioned here) to say like pro-wrestling is the highest form of

wrestling. With the amount of stoppage time and those breaks, how can it be considered fast? Minimum of four

stoppage time per play. Its equivalent to taking free kicks every time in soccer.


I'd just wrap up by saying that its fun to watch but our footbal is distant king of sport

Btw: Go Patriots
Last edited: 26-Oct-07 12:43 PM
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