Posted by: MadDoGG September 18, 2007
Prachanda did the right thing!!
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politically novice a commie???? why are you acting so dumb????........this whole thing going is a total messedup thing It was dumb and desprate move from the political parties to birng Prachanda and his criminal maoists to the can you join hands with the same groupof rebels you just labelled terrorists.....that was the first mistake Girija and his frends did....................if they want to develope nepal does it matter who is in total power???..........I mean if everyone wants peace and prosperity of nepal and Nepali people.......does it rally matter who rules???......if nepal was rich...people had plenty....nothing to complain about....would this all be happenening...???????????? Every criminal leaders and the commie thugs say that they are for the people and want a better Nepal, peace and all the crap......looks like a comon goal...but why do they fight and whats there to dissagree????..........They formed an alliance because they had a comon goal to get rid of the King and bring peace to the Nation...Right????? SO now whats bothering these two fractions?????? ...........Thats right THE CHAIR AND CONTROLL OVER MONEY AND POWER....not Nepal or her poor citizens ..............its for their own crooked EGO and desire to be rich...............Girija used mao and vise versa....and India was their mediator after India found out how Anti- India King Gyanandra was. ..................................Now Mao wants to wipe the Monarchy so it cant come to haunt them of all the crimes they have that they can get away from all the henious crimes they have done throught their times of teror........................and Girija knows that yet silent there is an emmenient threat that the king can comeback to Power so he is trying to play his cards doing so he now has the task to clean the mess the maoist will provide for him in the days to come.......and in all this india is having the most fun playing the devils what U SAY NOVICE???
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