Posted by: isolated freak September 16, 2007
"नेपालको स्वतन्त्रता खतरामा"
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Well, I am of the belief that its useless to blame India and others for meddling in our affairs. Its our leaders, inept bureaucracy that are to be blamed. When diplomacy is used to further party politics and interests rather than national interests, and when the leaders need foreign assistance to fulfill their political interests and ambitions, this is exactly what happens. Instead of blaming India, I think we should invite some of their retired foreign secreteries to teach us how to run our Pararastra Mantralaya.

In my opinion, Nepal lost its independence when Tribhuvan went to Delhi in 1950. Mahendra was aware of the political effect of Delhi agreement or negotiation, and was vehemently opposed to it. Mahendra wanted to start the anti-Rana movement from Nepal, and for that an air strip was being constructed in Gorkha. However Tribhuvan was impatient and forced him to go to Delhi. And until 2011, Indian Ambassador to Nepal acted as if he was the supreme ruler of Nepal. One of the first things Mahendra did when he became the King was to send the Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Chandeswori Singh back to Delhi.

It took 10 years to 2017 to regain some degree of independence. 2017 saal, I believe, had to do with Nepal's desire to be politically independenet from India. Some even believe that Mahendra committed suicide when he learned that Indira Gandhi was hell bent on instigating a movement to seperate the Terai region. Mahendra died after 3-4 days of Bangaldesh's independence from Pakistan. He believed that India would do the same to Nepal, i.e., send its army to free Terai. Even the vocal raja birodhi Krishna Abiral admits this in his Rakta Kunda novel.

Birendra also did everything he could to continue his father's legacy. Let's not forget that the success of 2046 was mainly due to his refusal to accept the SK Singh proposal. If he had agree to be Jigme Wangchuk, then today we would still have Panchayat.

If we are to set aside our Raja and Panchayat birodhi views and really think what happened between 2017-2046, we find that Nepal made a huge progress in its international relations. Nepal was elected twice as a security council member, managed to generate a lot of international goodwill.. however, after 2046.. we have lost everything and now even our independence and terretorial integrity are in question. All thanks to our Banarasi leaders.

Bravo leaders and those uncivil short sighted leaders of our civil society.

Panchayt leaders were corrupt, undemocratic but still patriotic. Today's leaders are corrupt, undemocratic and unpatriotic.. so, its much easier for any power that wants to meddle in our affairs. We are not doing anything to stop them.. we are actually extending a red carpet welcome to them. And who does not want to walk on the red carpet?

My views. Feel free to disagree.
Last edited: 16-Sep-07 11:41 PM
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