Posted by: MadDoGG September 2, 2007
Gyane strikes......
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Damn dont you see what happening?????.........If the Maos were in the process of developing Nepal or bringing peace in the first place.....they chose violence to get it..wrong move.....killing innocent nepalese to bring peace????? robbing looting etc etc... the political leaders chose false hope , lies, corruption , and finally seeking alliance and forming a Gang of similar criminals...not to mention how much they hated eachother in the power struggle......royal famly...King.... takes over..for a short time....sacks all the corrupt leaders....sends royal Nepal Army to hunt the maoists and the maoist shake hands because they know that they are doomed and forms alliance with the sacked political criminals ...the king tries but fails.....only to thrown back to watch the slow demise of what we call home.....NEPAL.....SO what has happened after the sacking of the king.........History of our ancestors degraded and humilated....our culture of being who we are Nepal divided.......nepal bandha..chhakka Jam.....kidnapping...extortion outs.....beating of true media threatened........killings.....blame the king.......disrespect history...........IS THERE ANY THING GOOD HAPPENING IN NEPAL LATELY???? AND YET BLAME THE there wont be any Nepal left like we knew it before.. ..................its gone........and all who supported the political loosers the maoists are to blame for the death of Nepal.......I HATE EVERY ONE OF THOSE WHO SUPPORTED THOSE CRIMINALS AND ASSISTED THEM FOR TODAYS PRESENT NEPALS STATE
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