Posted by: Richard August 26, 2007
A Brahmin Story
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Hi, as a practicing Budhist, I feel like I need to respond to this thread. I don't know how the actual Brahmins live today, but the story above is a classical truth in Buddhist life story. When Gautama was enlightened and became the Budda, he tought only truth, the universal truth. He rose above all the sectarianism, which means of livelihood for the Brahmins the time. For example, Brahmins priest would deceitfully demand lot of offerings from the people in return for their services to please their gods, and they would tell people that only Brahmins can talk to the god directly. But Buddha rejected that idea, and said that was a false livelihood. (Budha's teaching on Right Livelihood: no cheating, no killing, no harming any sentient being). Budha proclaimed that one is the master of his own, and noboday can take nobody to heaven if such thing as heaven exists. Only oneself can create ones own Karma, and that becomes the path to one's own salvation (and to heave, if that is the understanding of the individual). Obviously, such teaching was putting lot of Brahmin priests out of job, and they were furious with Buddha. They crafted many tactics against the Buddha, including the one example posted above, but the Buddah unmovavle. He existed in the purest form (he was impurable) and his light would radiate far and wide to enligten even those with with darkes mind, such as the above Brahmin, from his own ignorance, not by force or preaching but by example, experience and teaching of the truth.
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