Posted by: isolated freak August 23, 2007
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So I think this might just be a sop to mollify the republicans and anti-King forces. I think the government did not go far enough. Like with so many things in politics, in trying to please everyone and strike a compromise, the government might have pleased no one. Exactly this is what it is. But the question is: Can the present governmnet go far enough? What else can it do? Whether one admits it or not, doing away with the institution of monarchy is not as easy as the SPA+Maoist leadership make it to be because of these factors: 1. Domestic: It is not quite clear what percentage of our population wants the King to go. There's a lot of ambiguity here. What I feel is, there's a lot of anger towards the King, but there's a lot of sympathy/goodwill for the institution. Maybe the majority in Rolpa, Rukum, Salyan, Pyuthan wants the King to go, but Nepal is not REPRESENTED by these 4--OK 20--districts and its population, or the angry mobs that stage protests and Nepal bandh everyday. Let's not judge the mood of all Nepali people based on young Ratnapark-Tundikhel protesters and their "anti-monarchy" slogans. [If we are to run a comparative political analysis, Nepal's case now is quite similar to Japan in 1945. The majority wanted Hirohito to abdicate, but was not against the idea of monarchy. ] 2. International factor: Does India really want monarchy abolished? I don't think so. No matter what it says, the GOI knows that having a King is in its best interests. The main opposition party BJP still supports the King and anything the Indian govt. does or tries to do to support the republcian forces will be opposed by the BJP and its "militant-Hindu- Nationalists' affiliates. If the SPA really wanted the King to go, why didn't they do it when the House was restored? Why couldn't they do it that day? They did not because they knew they could not because of the domestic and international factors. Also for the parties, monrachy is their last resort if --IF- the maoists decide to break away from the alliance and go back to their old ways. Just my views. Feel free to disagree.
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