Posted by: GP July 19, 2007
Maoist Contribution to Nepal
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Ram Chandra Poudel was forced to pronounce disagreement with his congress colleague Mr. sitaula (who on the back of Maoists warned stern action if JTMM does not come to table). Sitaula is idiot skin head who rose to that position on the backing of Maoists. It is his down fall. I hope RCP's statement will delay the ethnic cleansing in Terai by the former chela of Prachanda. Every student when learns should leave his master, and JTMM learned ethnic based politics from Maoists Prachanda, and now running its own lab. Entropy in Physics is a measure of Chaos/disorder, and Entropy keeps going up, and can be brought down only at the expense of others. I have not seen any other resource to bring the current Chaos in Nepal back to normal. I think Girija should Sack Sitaula right now, so that JTMM's first demand is fulfilled, but I wonder whether BRB's old writing on Kantipur (something like this): we throw card of negotiation / mediated settlement / cease fire when we feel that helps us, and run away from the cease fire to violence when we feel that our opponent is weak. He further added in that article: we keep back and forth so that our opponent starts to crumble. This is what happened in last 12 years, and everything crumbled because Girija and Deoba congress enjoyed reduction in UML's support, and UML enjoyed the death of Congress supporters. Now, they are crawling for their existence, and Sitaula like people are rising very fast on the backing of Maoists. Anyway, Prachande Maoists' days in Terai are counted, and once this starts falling down, it will face same situation in Pahad because Pahad is more polarized than yesterday from ethnic perspective. Maoists are blaming everything on Royalists, when I don't smell anything left over on Royalist's hands to influence Nepali society, and it is probably on the -ve end of existence. By chanting "Royalist" on and on, they are forcing people to think whether we need to retain Royals "Baby King", instead of letting Prachanda become PM, so that our neighbor India's extreme rights extend their helping hand to settle the matter. Don't forget the analysis by someone above that Afgan was better of with King than in last 30 years of so called Republic state, and same thing with Iran: talk to Iranian they say they were better of with King's rule, they had more freedom, ..... Unfortunately, in our case, Gyanendra tried to compete with Maoists and finally, got his days counted. But, if Maoists continue to chant Royalists everywhere, then Royalists might come back, and you can not completely deny it. If JTMM continues to kill and intimidate people in Terai, and we don't have settlement or table talks, then Maoists themselves will not want CA be held on the proposed time, because Maoists will not have majority in CA, and why will they want. So, the chao will continue, and ethnic cleansing will continue. Don't forge that In Kashmir before the kashmi separatists started in 1970s, the Hindu population was around 30%, and by 2000 Hindu population went down extinction of about 5% or less. So, Maoists' ethnic wild card in their politics will bring them to extinction, and you can start counting days.
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