Posted by: Danger June 6, 2007
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And people here were swearing on aristocracies of the King for getting refined honey and not paying electricity bills.
Democracy in Nepal is a massive propaganda to get rid of our Nepali identity and with it we will be marginalized with the Indian population.
Wake up people and start supporting the king. You might not get all the luxuries of life, but you can at least get peace.
Development is proportional to education and infrastructural development which needs time in a country like ours.
These politicians blamed the king for underdevelopment, but everything was going smoother before 1990. Lets get the kind back on power and with it we might be able to achieve gradual development and less corruption.
** I don’t want to talk about Maoists because they were never an option and will never be an option. They have done worse by killing innocent civilians. **