Posted by: Nepe May 16, 2007
President of Nepal Republic
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Mr. Truth-jyu, You actually hit the bull's eye. Electoral reform (to make the politicians as much responsible to the voters as possible) and the establishment of a strong rule of law ( to make the politician and everybody else accountable to what they do) are two things that will keep Nepal's boat (even when there are corrupt and incompetent leaders in it) afloat and moving. भ्रष्टाचार हुँदै गर्छ, सजाय हुँदै गर्छ; खराब मान्छे चुनिदै गर्छन्, अर्को पल्ट चुनाव हार्दै गर्छन्, जथाभाबी आन्दोलन हुँदै गर्छ, जनसमर्थनको अभावमा सेलाउदै सुक्दै जान्छ; तोडफोड हुँदै गर्छ, अदालतको कठघरामा उभिदै जान्छन्, ठूलाठुला गाली गर्ने गरिरहन्छन्, साना साना काम गरेर वास्तविक योगदान गर्ने गरिरहन्छन् । हो यस्तो प्रकारको नेपाल हो मेरो भिजन । यति भए पर्याप्त छ र खासमा यो भन्दा अझ राम्रो चाही युटोपिया मात्र हो । Now the question is what kind of specific reforms we will be needing ? I do have some ideas in my mind. However, what is a good news is that a lot of ideas are already floating in public, academic and political forums in Nepal and we hardly need and unknown, unthoughtof and untested ideas. We do not need to invent a different kind of wheel. We just need to know where to attach the wheels and specially make sure that we use good quality nuts and bolts Nepe
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