Posted by: pire March 9, 2007
मधेश छोड्न पाहाडी वासिन्दालाई टाइगर्सको चेतावनी
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तराइबासी बर्दर, तपाईको सबैजसो कुरो सँग अग्री छु। मैले पनि के सोचेको छु भने मधेसी हरु धनी नभै देश धनी हुदैन। फेरी मधेसीहरुलाई चान्स दियो भने यिनीहरु गर्नसक्ने जात पनि छ। उपेन्द्र महतो, आदित्य झा जस्ता सेठ छन, र अझ तपाईले कति मधेसी गायक देख्नु भा'छ नेपालाँ? मैले था'पा'को एकजना हो, उदित नारायण, चान्स पाएपछि उसले अहिले सारा संसारमा नाम राखेको छ। तेस्तो हुँदा हुँदै किन अरु मधेसीहरु गायक भैराख्याछैनन, त्यो बुझ्न सक्दिन। मधेसीलाई पछि पारेर देश अघि बढ्दैन भन्ने त अन्धो लाई नि था'छ नि ब्रो। तर यो उपेन्द्र यादब भन्ने मान्छे को हो, को हो, मलाई त राजाबादि हो जस्तो लाग्छ, चुनाब कसरी गर्न नदिने भन्ने नाटक्गर्दै छ। यसको सिटौलाको राजीनामाको माग पुरा गरेपछि यसले फेरि अर्को अत्तो थाप्छ। माग गर्नु त मधेसीलाई भलो हुने माग गर्नु, किन फलानोले राजिनामा दे भन्नु पर्ने। डेमोक्र्याटिक सरकारमा रेल पल्टे राजिनाम दिन्छन भन्छन, ए बाबा, इण्डियामा रेल पल्टे राजिनामा दिन्छन, तर प्रतिपक्षि पार्टीको र्‍यालीमा , बन्दमा गोलि चल्दा लेजिटिमेट पार्टीको गृहमन्त्रीले राजिनामा दिया कुनै उदाहरण छ भन्या? सिटौला गलत भए जेलै पठाउन पर्‍यो, अनि सहि भए किन राजिनामा दिने? अनि नेपे ब्रो, त्यो तपाई र ने२३पे लेख्ने मान्छे एउटै हो कि के हो? म त एउटै भनेर सोचिराथें। अनि ज्वाला सिंहको अन्तर्बार्ता हेरौं। पहिले माग स्वतन्त्र नेपाल रे अनि दोश्रो मागमा आर्मीमा समान प्रतिनिधित्व रे। ------ Jwala Singh, real name Nagendra Paswan, proves that you do not have to climb very high to become a powerful dalit in Nepal. In this case, the head of the most violent—but not the most important or largest—faction of the JTMM. Recently we met Paswan in a bare hotel room off a muddy street in small-town Bihar, where everything he and his two companions had could fit into a small holdall. Out of consideration for his guests he left the room to smoke, though he had no compunction about spitting in the corner. He invited us to join him under blankets on the bed and passed around an old studio shot of himself, declining to be photographed as he currently appears. Talking to Paswan is strikingly similar to speaking with a district level Maoist leader—albeit an especially friendly one—during the conflict. He reeled off the short list of killings and attacks he has commissioned with apparent indifference. Paswan started out as a journalist, mainly for leftist publications. For a while he ran his own newspaper, and was vice-president of the Siraha chapter of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists for six years. Paswan then had a stint with the Maoists, splitting from them in 2004 over the appointment of Matrika Yadav as head of the Maoist-affiliated Tarai Mukti Morcha. He formed the JTMM with Jai Krishna Goit, notionally to fight for complete tarai independence. His early battles after going freelance were against his former comrades. To hear Paswan tell it, it was not so much a repudiation of Maoist ideas that led to the split as a divergence of interests. He still talks about revolution coming from poverty and suppression. But, he says, “the Maoists didn’t have a clear vision of madhesi rights. We don’t want to be devotees or partners of pahadis. If we do that, there won’t be any liberation of the tarai.” Paswan soon parted ways with Goit who, he says, “was already 80, always sick, he couldn’t remember dates.” Paswan says he broke away because “the tarai movement needed sacrifice and youth”, and because it was what JTMM cadres wanted. According to one of his followers about 150 former Maoists are in the group, some with their original weapons. The JTMM-J says it has “full strength” in 13 districts and “agents” in five more. The JTMM-J organised “some attacks and bandas” and during the tarai movement earlier this year hit at least three police posts, killing a policeman called “Karki something” Paswan recalls. The group lost some of its own people, including five in a single incident. By now, he says, “Our front has proved that we are brave and revolutionary.” Since mid-February, when the government invited madhesi groups for talks, Goit has not yet responded, and the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum’s ‘Uprendraji’ is putting increasing pressure on the government. Paswan, who has the weakest profile of the three, immediately accepted the offer. He issued a list of nine demands, and added another the next day as if as an afterthought. The first demand is an independent tarai state, which he insists must run the length of the country. But the second, fair representation for madhesis in the military, politics and administration, suggests that the demand for independence is rhetorical. “We believe in negotiations and negotiations are about give and take,” Paswan explains. “If the government addresses these problems [of discrimination] and establishes a federal state with self-government, the negotiations might succeed.” The JTMM-J is still waiting for their tarai rivals to follow before the talking can start. Given his apparent urge for credibility, does Paswan intend to contest the constituent assembly election? “Yes, if negotiations succeed and madhesi rights are guaranteed. Our fight is for power and rights,” he says, apparently to the surprise of the two boys sitting with him. Paswan smoked another cigarette, explaining that he was under a lot of stress. We left the hotel together and he tramped off down the muddy street, with his two young followers and their little bag.
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