Posted by: Nepe February 12, 2007
प्रमद्वारा गरिएको सम्बोधनको अडियो
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सांकेतिक हतियार (माथिको तसबीर) वा साँच्चिकै हतियार प्रदर्शन (मधेसी आन्दोलनका केही प्रदर्शनहरु) नि:सन्देह अरुचीजनक (tasteless) दृश्यहरु र आयोजकका अपनिर्णयहरु (poor judgment) हुन् । परन्तु यो हिंसाप्रति तत्परता भन्दा बढी माओवादी हतियारले पाएको वैधानिकताको अन्त्य नभइसकेको अवस्थाको सस्तो उपयोग हो । माओवादीको पूर्ण नि:शस्त्रिकरण भई मुलुक एकल राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षाबलको स्थितिमा पुगेको अर्थात् गैरसरकारी हतियार अवैध हुन पुगेको अवस्था भइदिएको भए यी माथिका दृश्यहरुलाई सर्वसाधारण जनताले नै अस्वीकार र प्रतिकार गर्ने थिए । ( के गर्नु, कोईरालाले राजतन्त्र जोगाउने कोशिसलाई प्राथमिकता दिएर माओवादीलाई अर्धसशस्त्र अवस्थामा स्वीकार गर्नु पर्ने अवस्थामा पुर्‍याईदिए । 'गणतन्त्र भने गणतन्त्र, बिसा हतियार' भन्नुपर्ने थिएन ?) जे भए पनि छिट्टै (कम्तिमा सम्विधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकले राजतन्त्रलाई औपचारिक विसर्जन गरेसंगै, वा के भन्न सकिन्छ र, त्यस अघि नै गणतन्त्र घोषणा भए संगै) माओवादीको हतियारको औचित्य खतम हुन्छ र तीनलाई decommission गरिनेछ र बल्ल हतियारको 'ह' पनि उच्चारण गर्नु नितान्त अनुचित हुने अवस्थामा पुगिनेछ । त्यतिन्जेल मैले माथि भने झै हतियारको सस्तो धम्की दिएर न्याय खोज्नेहरुको खासै खतरनाक नभएको तर मूर्खता चाहि मूर्खता नै हो त्यो झेल्नै पर्ने देखिन्छ । तर हाम्रा मूर्ख नेताहरुले पनि अलिकति बुद्धि झिके भने हाम्रो यो परिवर्तन र न्यायको यात्रा अलि सजिलो हुने थियो । त्यस्तो बुद्धि के हुन सक्छ भन्ने बारे आजै एकजना साथीसंग भएको मेरो सानो कुराकानीको एक अंश यहा बाँड्न चाहन्छु, From: Deepak Khadka To: ... Date: Feb 12, 2007 3:58 PM Subject Re: Your posting on NDF [....] .... .... there seems a flash of blindness at the moment in the country. However, I am pretty sure everybody will soon gather their senses back and be able to look at the problems and solutions with their normal vision. And I am sure, whatever one does meanwhile, collective wisdom will prevail at the end of the day. I really believe Nepal and the collective wisdom of Nepalis are too strong to let Nepal get disorientated and disintegrate. So the key is how we make the collective wisdom of people rather than collective stupidity of politicians a decision maker. I think a system of openness, transparency and candidness (put all things on the table, don't hide anything) and public debate rather than behind the bar deals among political parties on matters of national importance is the way. Our political leadership is still operating with the old formula of "manipulative" ruling. That's not going to work. Because nobody is dumb anymore. Revolution in communication world has changed Nepal for good. Now, everybody knows everything. So the idea that you can keep certain fault lines intact by hiding certain facts does not apply/work anymore. So, the formula for ruling in Nepal, as much as I can see, is to place all the facts on the table and let the collective wisdom of public be a decision maker. When you put all the facts on the table, everybody can see who is talking reasonable and who is talking nonsense. So nobody will be able to place undue pressure to unreasonable things. [...] _______
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