Posted by: BathroomCoffee January 30, 2007
Login in to Rate this Post:     0       ? (Ask a rabbi) (Ask Buddha anything) (Ask an Iman (the online fatwa resource) ) So Macho Warmongers' Metrosexual Alarm 18th and 19th century European governments were so worried that middle class metrosexual type 'mollycoddled' men would be unwilling to go to war, that they invented the entire concept of the macho hero 'warrior-man', Australian historian Dr Christopher Forth argued this week. Dr Forth said authorities began ridiculing luxury-loving 'effeminate' men as 'weak and indulgent' and instead promoted the ideal of men as fighting machines, toughened up by 'getting physically fit, eating awful food, lacking sleep, marching through dirt and mud, adherence to authority – basically sacrifice and pain', he said. "Many elite men were focused more on the finer things in life, living among luxuries and refining their tastes, so it became a great concern to physicians as well as national leaders that these men could not be able to defend their nation in a crisis," Dr Forth continued. "A modern-day example of the crisis of man is the metrosexual and its sharpening counterpoint, the 'new lad' – a rougher and tougher version," he added (Australian National University). The Doctor's views emerged just as underwear company Aussiebum speculated that metrosexuals could be among the thousands of size conscious Australian blokes who have so far snapped up 50,000 pairs of the Wonderbra style package enhancing pants. "Like women's breasts, gravity does take effect. The pouch holds him up and also brings it forward and creates what we call the wonderjock effect," said Aussiebum director Guyon Holland. "The underwear is based around the guy's size. It can't do anything nature won't let it,' he insisted. (The (make your own hero) (This is NOT your mother's panty hose! ACTIVSKIN tights for men and pantyhose for men are designed for male dimensions and anatomy. (kilts for men) (How angry are you?) (Self Esteem test: 'Self-esteem is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achievement. This screening will determine whether you need to work on your self-image . . .') (A unique test designed specifically for the uncertain pre-transitional Male-to-Female gender dysphoric: are you a standard male, feminine male, androgyne, probable transsexual or transsexual?') ('Within every human being exists the desire to act freely, in harmony with his or her own intrinsic nature, rather than being at the mercy of external forces . . .') ('Two important concepts within psychosynthesis are identification and dis-identification, the importance of which are briefly touched upon in the quote: "We are dominated by everything with which our self becomes identified. We can dominate and control everything from which we dis-identify ourselves . . .") ('Only the development of his inner powers can offset the dangers inherent in man's losing control of the tremendous natural forces at his disposal and becoming the victim of his own achievements', Roberto Assagioli) (Bloody finger message) (Write in the snow with pee) (online speak and spell machine) (Dishonest Dubya: 'Lying Action Figure; 'he lies like a bastard'; classic sound clips) (the new Top Gun George W doll; 'The figure does not talk but does come dressed in a full flight suit, helmet, goggles, breather and tanks that are identical to the ones George Bush wore when he landed on the flight deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln . . ' U$29.99) ("You fucing son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote. We're not going to forget this . . .', George W. speaking to writer and editor Al Hunt in 1988) (Dog bowl training: When the pup has finished licking his bowl clean you need to training him to lick the floor clean of the bits that he has spilt . . .') ('Doggy Style bowls to eat and drink: 67,5 and 40,5 ounces to feed and water your submissive one in a alternative and amusing way! Perfect for the dog training play . . .') ('Starting with an enjoyable Meet and Greet at Buddy's Night Club on Friday, we began the workshops early on Saturday. Nothing like a bunch of sleepy kinksters slurping coffee in a hurry in order to take in some workshops on how to be kinky:) Workshops included: Communication and Negotiation, Fisting, Flogging, Clips, Clamps and Clothespins, Massage for Couples, and the Violet Wand . . .') (Fun-Da-Mental's new video (banned in the UK) (The Rapture's new video) (Megaman versus ghosts and goblins fighting platform game- great) (Sand catching game (addictive) (Firing squad puzzle) Mannequin Sex Fiend Strikes Again Serial mannequin sex seducer Ronald A. Dotson, 39, was arrested again in Detroit last week, after being caught breaking into a cleaning company office to attack a doll wearing a black and white maid's outfit. The dummy obsessed sex criminal had previously been convicted six times in the last 13 years for breaking and entering in pursuit of his obsession and was released from prison just seven days before committing his latest offense. "He told his parole officer he was going to buy a mannequin so he didn't have to do these break-ins anymore," investigating officer Detective Brendan Moore told Fox News. "Apparently that didn't work out." The unusual case occurred just over a year after fellow American Michael James Plentyhorse, 18, was caught inflagranti with a mannequin at Washington High School, by Sioux Falls security guard Loren McManus. "There was inappropriate activity between him and the mannequin," McManus told local newspaper the Argus Leader at the time, "That's the only way I know how to put it." went into more details, describing how Plentyhorse had been discovered partially naked with his knickers round his ankles, 'inappropriately touching himself' and the female mannequin simultaneously. "To some people, looking at that, they might say, that's relatively harmless. It's odd, it's strange, but relatively harmless. We don't look at it that way," said local Chief Deputy State's Attorney Hope Matchan, explaining why they charged Plentyhorse with indecent exposure. "I certainly would want to know if this person was my neighbour," he added. (Mannequin sex positions) ('Did you ever wonder what an actual sex doll looks like - How realistic does she look like?') (Dress up dolls game) ('Your one-stop resource for female latex masks on the Internet . . .') ("Ten totally turned-on techniques used by intelligence agencies to boost secret agents brainpower ˆ revealed here so you can be 007 times smarter than James Bond . . .') (How does mind control work: 'With coercive persuasion you can change people's attitudes without their knowledge and volition. You can create new "attitudes" where they will do things willingly which they formerly may have detested, things which previously only torture, physical pain, or drugs could have coerced them to do . . .') (LAPD in action) (Paper plane simulator game) (Curve ball) (Block game)
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