Posted by: doctorbee January 7, 2007
Swasthani..the goddess of wish...
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I am Brahmin by birth but I have rejected the caste system. It is not a system prescribed by the true scriptures of Hinduism but are just social systems made up by our ancestors. In the Indo-European invasions of South Asia, the Indo-Europeans, the Aryans, conquered the Dravidians, the original residents of this region and the "conqured" people essentially became "lower caste" and "untouchables". Forgive me for what my ancestors have done. I cannot change what they did, but I have changed myself to reject the caste system and accept everyone as my brothers and sisters. My opinion on Hinduism goes into the deep scriptures and the basic lessons it teaches--just like any other religion. Hinduism in particular, if you look at scriptures, states two basic beliefs: Dharma and Karma. My understanding has always been that Dharma means being religious or spiritual in one's own way and Karma is doing what one is supposed to do, and following a moral conduct. Whether it means "Thou shalt not kill" (Jewish, and Christian Commandment) or "Give alms to the poor" (Islamic Piller), all religions give the same message. Hinduism has had it's bad run because of the Caste system and a "systemic discrimination" of lower castes. I am not proud of that part of my heritage. But in essence, the progressive Hindus like myself have rejected the caste system and we believe in the universal teachings of the scriptures. I do not believe that if one does not believe in Swasthani goes to hell or will be smighted by her immense powers. My reasoning for why I have put Swasthani on my web site have been discussed in my web site. However, I could summarize some points for you: -- In a family setting, knowing what is going around a child's life, or other family members' lives is very important. Reading Swasthani could enable having a family time. I have put Swasthani up to help people find time to get together and do readings. They can do any kind of reading together, or even watch a movie together, or have some kind of other "family bonding time". -- Swasthani teaches lessons about human nature that we may ignore. For example: anger. Anger causes biochemical imbalances in one's body, and releases toxins that can injure someone physically and mentally. Anger causes stress, and Swasthani's story shows how one should not be anger. Another example is pride: pride can hurt others and your loved ones and in turn hurt you as a person. Another thing: I am not here to convert anyone to Hinduism. You can believe in whatever you want to. I hate utmost respect for all religions. Every religion has some bad aspects to it, and no religion is perfect: because of the followers that have modified the true meanings of religions. Some may even believe that religon is a bad thing. I respect that as well, because I understand that people can get fanaticism out of it and religion can be harmful if that is the case. However, religion does give hope to people, and that strange opium of the poor and sufferers--optimism--can lead them to do great things. All I have to say is that I am just hurt by the fact that I am being called a "beefeater" or being generalized in terms of a few Nepalese people that have changed completely after stepping on the US soil just because they are not in their country any more. Yes, I did take offense when you mock my religion--not just plain mockery, but an absolute disgraceful tendancy essentially giving us a notion that people "hate" all of Brahmins or Hindus, period. I think I deserve an apology. And I think everyone that I offended does too. So here is my apology: I am sorry for stating "I am not the one who sounds like an idiot", essentially calling you with bad names, Sayami. I respect your opinion. I went to a Tibetan school and I have many Buddhist friends and I have utmost respect towards Buddhism. And to me, even you are a Buddhist, you are still a brother, because, like you said, there is no other religion besides Humanism, or Global Religion. Thanks! db
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